Monday, July 20, 2015

AIMS Upddate 12: Moment to Spare

July 20th, 1pm - The Heim in Graz, Austria

I finally have some time to sit and write!! 
A lot has happened since my last post, so let's catch up a bit.

Thursday was a a pretty normal day starting off with Stage Artistry and German class. Later that afternoon I had my second lesson with Stephanie Weiss, and if we're friends on Facebook, you'll know that I had an absolutely amazing lesson that day! We mainly worked on  Mozart's 'Deh vieni non tardar' and Handel's 'Furie terribili', while also focussing on some technical aspects of singing. In the two short lessons we've had together I have made INCREDIBLE strides and with continuous practice it can only get better from here. Family and friends who know me know that I always want to make a good impression, especially in a lesson situation so I practice and work all the concepts of the previous lesson to show that I have made improvement. I was thrilled when Stephanie told me that she could tell I had practiced and was singing more with my full body. After working the Mozart, she also told me that in the future she doesn't see me singing Susanna or other light, soubrette-type roles but instead sees my voice really filling out and doing some bigger repertoire (which is beyond exciting!!). Our lessons are also great because she doesn't let me get away with anything, and if she knows I can do something better she calls me out on it right away. These lessons so far have been fantastic and I can't wait to see where we go from here!

Post lesson of awesome-ness, I attended the first AIMS Orchestra Concert! These concerts are cast by the faculty, advertised to the public and are generally very well attended. This concert was also my first opportunity to hear some of the "big gun" voices so I was very excited to hear them with an orchestra. The concert consisted of the orchestra playing three works and ten singers performing various arias. I was generally impressed, but ultimately, the orchestra won my heart.

Then came this weekend.
Some people traveled and some hung around Graz, myself included. I met up with a group of AIMS-ers Saturday afternoon and headed to an outdoor pool about a ten minute walk from the Heim - and  was fabulous!! When most of us took a break to grab a drink, we were asked by the cashier (who was Australian) if we would sing for an elderly man who was at the pool celebrating his birthday. Naturally, we said yes and sang happy birthday. A few minutes later the cashier returned and said that the gentemens wife had bought us each a glass of apricot schnapps! It was a great day overall, and six hours later, we headed back home.

Yesterday, Sunday, was also a nice day. I sang at a Catholic Cathedral downtown along with two other singers for a 9am mass service. It was wonderful to attend a service here in Graz, even if it was all in German and it was a test of how well I could sightread German hymns. After the service, I came back to the Heim for a bit until I headed out again for a Spirituals Ensemble Rehearsal. Our first concerts are this Saturday and Sunday, so we're finalizing our group pieces as well as singing our solos for the entire group. According to the faculty and everyone else I've ever asked, the Spirituals concerts are the most attended of any AIMS concerts and will most likely be standing room only. The Grazers love spirituals, so I can't wait to perform for them this weekend!

Today is another usual day: Early morning coaching, German, Audition Seminar, Spiritual Ensemble Rehearsal and tonight is our first Monday Night Recital! These recitals are held every Monday night and students volunteer to sing for fellow AIMS participants, faculty and even the public - yet another great opportunity to perform in front of an audience!

The time is flying - Graz ist wunderbar!!

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