Friday, July 10, 2015

AIMS Update 8: One Week Down, Five To Go

July 10th, 8:15pm - The Heim in Graz, Austria

One week ago today, I arrived in Graz. I can't believe I've already been here for an entire week and I am loving every second of it!

Like yesterday, today was very relaxing. One morning class followed by an open afternoon and a fuller evening of plans. From 4 to 5 tonight, I attended a Period Movement Class for women only, which foccussed on many aspects of movement within opera. We discussed and practiced walking properly depending on the time period the opera is placed in, as well as how to properly curtsey depending if your character is a noble or a servant. We also addressed how to properly fan, work with trains, work with capes, handle long evening gloves and properly place/use feather boas. I am very glad I signed up for this class, and after tonight's post I may throw on my own evening gown and practice how to work and move with the train. Practice homework!

After the movement class, many of us stayed for a lecture, titled: The Story of Graz told by a Graz Native. As the title insinuated, the man who presented has been a native of Graz his entire life and he not only told us about AIMS, but also some of his personal life in this city. He talked about the times when he was young, in school and also WWII. It was a very interesting and moving talk that flew by, and had we more time with him, we could have been listening to him for hours on end.

After arriving back at Jakominiplaz, a few of us grabbed some gelato, quick dinner (Austrian McDonald's which was surprisingly good) and returned to the Heim. The work week is now over, and the weekend is pretty free so I may spend some time exploring the city more!

Preview of What's to Come:

I had mentioned in yesterdays post that we had met with our assigned teacher, coaches and finalized our schedules! Here's a master list of all classes and courses I will be part of while here at AIMS, a bit about them and how often they are held:
  • German I - Entry level German class, basics and survival German mainly - 5 days a week
  • Voice Lessons - Private lessons with assigned teacher; specific work on operatic repertoire Teacher: Stephanie Weiss (bio can be found on the AIMS voice website) - 2 lessons a week
  • Coachings - Continued work on operatic repertoire, overall approach - Coach: Christina Haan (bio can be found on the AIMS voice website) -2 coachings a week
  • Stage Artistry 6 - Advance staging class; individual and class sessions with focus on acting, movement and presentation during performance of listed repertoire - 2 times a week
  • ATS Opera I - Audition workshop class, basic level - 2 times a week
  • Diction Coaching - 1 diction coaching a week (German, French or Italian) - Once a week
  • Other Classes: Special Events, Voice Teacher Studio Class, Vocal Coach Studio Class, etc.
In addition to these classes, I may be selected to sing in various orchestra concerts or mass services through the city. Additionally I have also chosen to participate in the AIMS Chorale, a volunteer ensemble, which will perform various times throughout the summer. Brace yourselves, everything officially begins Monday!

That's it for now! See you again on Monday!

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