July 30th - 10:15am at The Heim in Graz, Austria
Busy. Busy. Busy.
This past weekend was crazy busy, starting with our two Spirituals concert. Saturday night we performed in this beautiful church high on a mountain top that was overflowing with people. In addition to our usual group numbers, I sang my solo 'O What A Beautiful City' which I was able to have videotaped and will atempt to put up a bit later. The concert was a great success and we even sang two encore numbers before attending a small reception and then headed back home.
And then came Sunday...
Early in the afternoon I headed downtown to the Odelian-Institute to sing for Soprano, Patricia Craig! All singers here at AIMS are guaranteed to sing on one masterclass and we are assigned our masterclass by the faculty and powers that be. I was very excited to be singing for Ms. Craig as she was one of the foremost leading American Sopranos some years ago. I sang 'Deh vieni, non tardar' for her and we worked on some vocal things, textual elements and played with some tempos. Since I was the last singer before a short break, I also had the chance to speak with her about my vocal growth and future plans. I am so glad that I was able to be a part of this masterclass, and as always, I wish we had more time to work together.
Immediately afterwards I raced back to the Heim to change for Spirituals Concert #2! This second and final concert was held at a church closer to the Heim, and like the first, it was packed with people who couldn't get enough of our Spirituals. While I was not selected to sing my solo that night, most of the faculty and fellow AIMS-ers who were not able to attend Saturday night were there and all loved it! It was a great weekend filled with LOTS of singing.
Now week four is almost over, and we only have a little less than two weeks left here in Graz. It's crazy to think that this program has gone by so fast and I only have a short time left here in Graz. Though we are nearing the end, I plan to make the most out of these last few weeks and participate in as much as possible. Viva la AIMS!
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Saturday, July 25, 2015
AIMS Update 13: I Swear I'm Still Here
July 25rd - 10:30am at the Heim in Graz, Austria
I'm back! I was unable to post for a few days due to some WiFi problems, but now they're all fixed and I'm back again!
This weeks been crazy busy with coachings, classes, lessons and rehearsals, and its only going to get busier! Everything has been going really well and it's hard to believe that this amazing experience is already half over. Three more weeks of bliss before I return to the states.
That said, this weekend is pretty packed. Tonight and tomorrow night the Spirituals Ensemble will give our first concerts for the Graz public! We've prepared a number of group pieecs as well as solo Spirituals, and according to various sources, these concerts are the most attended of any AIMS concerts! Tonight I sing my solo 'O What A Beautiful City', get to jam out to some great music and then do it all again tomorrow! Also tomorrow afternoon, I am singing on a masterclass with Soprano, Patricia Craig and I'm very excited to meet, sing and work with her.
Besides this hectic weekend, there's not much else to report. Graz is love, Graz is life.
I'm back! I was unable to post for a few days due to some WiFi problems, but now they're all fixed and I'm back again!
This weeks been crazy busy with coachings, classes, lessons and rehearsals, and its only going to get busier! Everything has been going really well and it's hard to believe that this amazing experience is already half over. Three more weeks of bliss before I return to the states.
That said, this weekend is pretty packed. Tonight and tomorrow night the Spirituals Ensemble will give our first concerts for the Graz public! We've prepared a number of group pieecs as well as solo Spirituals, and according to various sources, these concerts are the most attended of any AIMS concerts! Tonight I sing my solo 'O What A Beautiful City', get to jam out to some great music and then do it all again tomorrow! Also tomorrow afternoon, I am singing on a masterclass with Soprano, Patricia Craig and I'm very excited to meet, sing and work with her.
Besides this hectic weekend, there's not much else to report. Graz is love, Graz is life.
Monday, July 20, 2015
AIMS Upddate 12: Moment to Spare
July 20th, 1pm - The Heim in Graz, Austria
I finally have some time to sit and write!!
A lot has happened since my last post, so let's catch up a bit.
Thursday was a a pretty normal day starting off with Stage Artistry and German class. Later that afternoon I had my second lesson with Stephanie Weiss, and if we're friends on Facebook, you'll know that I had an absolutely amazing lesson that day! We mainly worked on Mozart's 'Deh vieni non tardar' and Handel's 'Furie terribili', while also focussing on some technical aspects of singing. In the two short lessons we've had together I have made INCREDIBLE strides and with continuous practice it can only get better from here. Family and friends who know me know that I always want to make a good impression, especially in a lesson situation so I practice and work all the concepts of the previous lesson to show that I have made improvement. I was thrilled when Stephanie told me that she could tell I had practiced and was singing more with my full body. After working the Mozart, she also told me that in the future she doesn't see me singing Susanna or other light, soubrette-type roles but instead sees my voice really filling out and doing some bigger repertoire (which is beyond exciting!!). Our lessons are also great because she doesn't let me get away with anything, and if she knows I can do something better she calls me out on it right away. These lessons so far have been fantastic and I can't wait to see where we go from here!
Post lesson of awesome-ness, I attended the first AIMS Orchestra Concert! These concerts are cast by the faculty, advertised to the public and are generally very well attended. This concert was also my first opportunity to hear some of the "big gun" voices so I was very excited to hear them with an orchestra. The concert consisted of the orchestra playing three works and ten singers performing various arias. I was generally impressed, but ultimately, the orchestra won my heart.
Then came this weekend.
Some people traveled and some hung around Graz, myself included. I met up with a group of AIMS-ers Saturday afternoon and headed to an outdoor pool about a ten minute walk from the Heim - and was fabulous!! When most of us took a break to grab a drink, we were asked by the cashier (who was Australian) if we would sing for an elderly man who was at the pool celebrating his birthday. Naturally, we said yes and sang happy birthday. A few minutes later the cashier returned and said that the gentemens wife had bought us each a glass of apricot schnapps! It was a great day overall, and six hours later, we headed back home.
Yesterday, Sunday, was also a nice day. I sang at a Catholic Cathedral downtown along with two other singers for a 9am mass service. It was wonderful to attend a service here in Graz, even if it was all in German and it was a test of how well I could sightread German hymns. After the service, I came back to the Heim for a bit until I headed out again for a Spirituals Ensemble Rehearsal. Our first concerts are this Saturday and Sunday, so we're finalizing our group pieces as well as singing our solos for the entire group. According to the faculty and everyone else I've ever asked, the Spirituals concerts are the most attended of any AIMS concerts and will most likely be standing room only. The Grazers love spirituals, so I can't wait to perform for them this weekend!
Today is another usual day: Early morning coaching, German, Audition Seminar, Spiritual Ensemble Rehearsal and tonight is our first Monday Night Recital! These recitals are held every Monday night and students volunteer to sing for fellow AIMS participants, faculty and even the public - yet another great opportunity to perform in front of an audience!
The time is flying - Graz ist wunderbar!!
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
AIMS Updates 9,10 & 11 - To Sing, To Be, To Go To the Festival
July 15th, 7pm - The Heim in Graz, Austria
First off, apologies for the lack of posting these past three days. While they've been pretty crazy, they've also incredibly amazing. All classes officially started this week, and so far, everything has been great. Here's my schedule from Monday to today:
Monday Schedule:
Tuesday Schedule:
Wednesday (Today's) Schedule:
Let's start with Monday:
The day began with my first coaching! After a general getting-to-know you session, we dove right into working repetoire and I was very plelased with how our first session went. I can tell that we're going to have some great sessions together and that I will learn a lot. Following my coaching and German, I went to my first audition training seminar class. After intoructions and a basic outline of the class we began talking about how to properly audition and what opera directors are looking for in auditions today. Vocalism, technique and expression are all required if auditioning for an opera company, but our teachers also talked about how to keep the body calm, breathe properly and command the room right from your entrance. In our second class meeting Wednesday we will begin performing arias for the class as if giving an auddition and we will recieve collective feedback about our appearance/performance. This class is extrememly crucial and I know it will have much to offer. Then came something important: FOOD. Post lunch and a short break, I headed back to the Elisibethschule (School) for a brief, second Spirituals Ensemble Rehearsal!
But after rehearsal came the most exciting part of the day:
Governor Hermann Schutzenhofer
requests the please of your company
at the reception hosted on the occasion of the
45th Summer Academy of the
American Insitute of Musical Studies
In the Hall of the Planets of Eggenberg Palace
on Monday, July 13th, 2015 at 7:00pm
First off, apologies for the lack of posting these past three days. While they've been pretty crazy, they've also incredibly amazing. All classes officially started this week, and so far, everything has been great. Here's my schedule from Monday to today:
Monday Schedule:
- 10-10:45am - Coaching with Christina Haan
- 10:50-11:35am - German I
- 11:40-12:25pm - Audition Training Seminar I
- 4-4:30pm - Spirituals Ensemble Rehearsal
- 6-9pm - Govenors Official Welcome Ball/Gala
Tuesday Schedule:
- 10-10:45am - Stage Artistry 6
- 10:50-11:35am - German I
- 11:40-12:25 - Stage Artistry Coaching
- 2;15-3pm - Lesson with Stephanie Weiss
- 4-5pm - Voice Studio Class
- 5-6pm - Sirituals Ensemble Rehearsal
Wednesday (Today's) Schedule:
- 10:50-11:35am - German I
- 11:40-12:25pm - Audition Training Seminar I
- 3:05-3:50pm - Coaching with Christina Haan
- 4-5pm - Vocal Coach Studio Class
- 5-6pm - Spirituals Ensemble Rehearsal
Let's start with Monday:
The day began with my first coaching! After a general getting-to-know you session, we dove right into working repetoire and I was very plelased with how our first session went. I can tell that we're going to have some great sessions together and that I will learn a lot. Following my coaching and German, I went to my first audition training seminar class. After intoructions and a basic outline of the class we began talking about how to properly audition and what opera directors are looking for in auditions today. Vocalism, technique and expression are all required if auditioning for an opera company, but our teachers also talked about how to keep the body calm, breathe properly and command the room right from your entrance. In our second class meeting Wednesday we will begin performing arias for the class as if giving an auddition and we will recieve collective feedback about our appearance/performance. This class is extrememly crucial and I know it will have much to offer. Then came something important: FOOD. Post lunch and a short break, I headed back to the Elisibethschule (School) for a brief, second Spirituals Ensemble Rehearsal!
But after rehearsal came the most exciting part of the day:
Governor Hermann Schutzenhofer
requests the please of your company
at the reception hosted on the occasion of the
45th Summer Academy of the
American Insitute of Musical Studies
In the Hall of the Planets of Eggenberg Palace
on Monday, July 13th, 2015 at 7:00pm
Monday was the night of dreams. Faculty and students every summer are invited to a ball or gala held by the Governor of Graz as part of his offical welcome. I remembered seeing pictures from of the Western group last year and was beyond excited to wear my latest gown and feel like a princess. Because it's hard to explain my dress, I leave you with one clue until pictures from my camera or friends can be posted: think Cinderella. The entire evening was magical. (Pictures to come soon!)
Yesterday was also a busy day, and it began with my first Stage Artistry class! I am in the advanced class with students who have also had much in the way of acting training and we discussed what we will do as a class and also in our private sessions. Then came German (not much to report there). Following German was my first private stage artistry coaching! I brought in an aria and talked about the character with my teacher all while working physical and gestural aspects within the aria itself. These private coachings will also be incredibly helpul, especially for arias that are harder to work with or are typically performed with just the one character on the stage. Later that afternoon came the hour I'd been waiting for: MY LESSON!! While here at AIMS I am studying with mezzo-soprano Stephanie Weiss, and although we've only had one lesson, she's amazing! We talked over repetoire and my goals for this summer and got right to work on achieving these goals. In our one lesson together I've already made great progress and I'm very excited for our second lesson tomorrow. The day ended with our first Studio Class and another Spirituals Ensemble Rehearsal.
And here we are today - another day of classes, German and rehearsal.
These first few weeks at AIMS have been absolutely incredible. I am so glad to be in Graz focussing and studying my passion. The first AIMS concerts are coming up soon and I can't wait to see all my ffriends perorm! That's all for now, but no worries, there is more to come!
Yesterday was also a busy day, and it began with my first Stage Artistry class! I am in the advanced class with students who have also had much in the way of acting training and we discussed what we will do as a class and also in our private sessions. Then came German (not much to report there). Following German was my first private stage artistry coaching! I brought in an aria and talked about the character with my teacher all while working physical and gestural aspects within the aria itself. These private coachings will also be incredibly helpul, especially for arias that are harder to work with or are typically performed with just the one character on the stage. Later that afternoon came the hour I'd been waiting for: MY LESSON!! While here at AIMS I am studying with mezzo-soprano Stephanie Weiss, and although we've only had one lesson, she's amazing! We talked over repetoire and my goals for this summer and got right to work on achieving these goals. In our one lesson together I've already made great progress and I'm very excited for our second lesson tomorrow. The day ended with our first Studio Class and another Spirituals Ensemble Rehearsal.
And here we are today - another day of classes, German and rehearsal.
These first few weeks at AIMS have been absolutely incredible. I am so glad to be in Graz focussing and studying my passion. The first AIMS concerts are coming up soon and I can't wait to see all my ffriends perorm! That's all for now, but no worries, there is more to come!
Saturday, July 11, 2015
Top 10 Summer Anime Series Endings
After ranking my completed anime series from this summer, naturally I had to take the same with the endings. Just like the openings, these endings are ranked based on my own personal enjoyment, emotional connection, how well the song ends/fits the series and the song itself. So with all that in mind, here we go again:
10. Take Off - 2PM from Blue Exorcist
Don't get me wrong, this ending is not bad...it's just not that exciting. Unlike the series opening, the song is forgettable and still doesn't get any sort of reaction out of me. It's a nice jam, but that's about it.
9. Mosaic Kakera - SunSet Swish from Code Geass
Compared to its three other ending themes, I find this one by SunSet Swish to be the best by a mile. An interesting melodic line, beautiful character animation and the song can be pretty catchy and memorable. Like much of Code Geass, it sticks with you.
8. Utsukushiki Zankoku na Sekai - Yoko Hikasa from Attack on Titan
A beautiful ending video and track sung from Mikasa's perspective. Yes yes yes!
7. Alumni - Nightmare from Deathnote
This ending is downright sweet! An erie, yet still pretty catchy track, set to animation of light's double life as a normal high school student and KIRA. Though the ending for Deathnote is so low on this list, it will always be my number one anime of all time.
6. Tonbirano Mukoue - Yellow Generation from Fullmetal Alchemist
This ending is so different from any of the others, it stands out in a good way. At first I thought it was weird, but the more I listened to it the more I liked it. I especially love that this ending animation shows the relationships of Edward, Alphonse and Whinrey as kids. Very good.
5. Vanilla Salt - Yui Horie from Toradora
My main reason for loving this ending is what it does to you (the viewer) after finishing an episode. While not all episodes are exciting, this ending song is a fantastic gateway into the look at next week's episode and uses simple animation to make this entire ending very relaxing and much like a cliff-hanger. WARNING: this ending as well as the series opening is your typical Japanese type anime song.
4. Monster Without a Name & All Alone With You - EGOIST from Psycho-Pass
I abosolutely COULD NOT pick just one of these two endings. They both are amazing!
3. I'm Alive - Becca & Bird - Yuya Matasushita from Black Butler
I did it again. Like Psycho-Pass, I simply could not choose. If I absolutely had to pick one over the other, the prize would go to Yuya Matasushita for a beautiful track set to animated butterflies surrounding Lord Ciel Phantomhive. Great, great work done for both.
2. Dango Daikazoku - Chata from Clannad
This ending needs little in the way of explanation to anime fans. Clannad and Clannad: After Story fans will all tell you this song has great meaning.
My reactions:
After finishing episode 1: This is a cute song
After finishing the entire series: *Tears*
1. Brave Song - Aoi Tada from Angel Beats
Had I not just started and finished AngelBeats, this ending wouldn't be on this list and the ending from Clannad would be in its place. This ending is perfection; the track is gorgeous, the lyrics are inspiring and closely follow the themes of the series and the animation of adding more and more characters throughout the ending until everyone is together is something very special. Brava AngelBeats!!
And there you have it! My top ten ranked endings to this summers anime train.
And there you have it! My top ten ranked endings to this summers anime train.
Top 10 Summer Anime Series Openings
Just for fun, I thought I woud rank the opening themes to the ten anime series I've completed this summer! These openings are ranked by my personal enjoyment, emotional connection, how the opening sets up/fits the series and the song itself.
1. This is only my opinion
2. Multiple seasons of a series, such as 'Black Butler' and 'Clannad' have been put together.
3. Two of these openings are from series that I just recently finished watching and have not reviewed yet, so look out for another '2015: Summer of Animes' post
Hope you enjoy!
1. This is only my opinion
2. Multiple seasons of a series, such as 'Black Butler' and 'Clannad' have been put together.
3. Two of these openings are from series that I just recently finished watching and have not reviewed yet, so look out for another '2015: Summer of Animes' post
Hope you enjoy!
10. Nightmare - The World from Deathnote
This opening grew on me the more I watched it. It leaves the viewer with a sense of mystery about the series, introduces the characters relationships and paints protagonis Light Yagami in a very "interesting" light (no pun intened).
9. UNDO - Cool Joke from Fullmetal Alchemist
Of all the intros used in the original Fummetal Alchemist series, this is by far my favorite. A super catchy tune set to shots of Edward and Alphonse Elric as they continue their journey. This is an OP I could listen to for a long time before getting tired of it.
8. Monochrome Kiss - SID from Black Butler
Like Black Butler itself, this opening is made possible by the shots and actions of one character: Sebastian Michaelis *swoon*
7. Colors - Flow from Code Geass
Code Geass is an amazing series which you should definetly check out. Any anime fan has seen or at least heard of it and knows this opening solid. I wasn't crazy about the opening at first, but as I continued and finished the series I apprecitated it more. A very nostalgic feeling.
6. Cause I Feel - Nothing's Carve in Stone from Psycho-Pass
When I first heard this opening I COULD NOT stop listening to it. It was more than an addiction, so sufice to say this OP holds a special spot in my heart. It captures Psycho-Pass as a series perfectly and will stay in my head for hours on end.
When I first heard this opening I COULD NOT stop listening to it. It was more than an addiction, so sufice to say this OP holds a special spot in my heart. It captures Psycho-Pass as a series perfectly and will stay in my head for hours on end.
5. Guren no Yumina - Linked Horizon from Attack on Titan
There's one word to describe this OP: Epic
Epic music set with epic animation to make for a truly epic series
There's one word to describe this OP: Epic
Epic music set with epic animation to make for a truly epic series
4. My Soul, Your Beats - Lia from Angel Beats
This OP is very different from the rest. Instead of giving us a fast paced "let's go" kinda feeling, this opening slows things down and gives us a beautiful track along with stunning animation. I am always especially happy when piano is used in opening such as this one.
This OP is very different from the rest. Instead of giving us a fast paced "let's go" kinda feeling, this opening slows things down and gives us a beautiful track along with stunning animation. I am always especially happy when piano is used in opening such as this one.
3. Core Pride - UVERworld from Blue Exorcist
This OP is so different from anything else I'm surprised I enjoy it so much. A combination of Japanese Rap, rock and jazz saxaphone, this opening is one to remember. Plus blue flames!
This OP is so different from anything else I'm surprised I enjoy it so much. A combination of Japanese Rap, rock and jazz saxaphone, this opening is one to remember. Plus blue flames!
2. Pre Parade from Toradora
This OP for me is near perfection. From its animation to catchy song, this opening for Toradora perfectly captures what the series is about and gives us many small, hidden teasers of what's to come in the series. Pure pureparedo!
This OP for me is near perfection. From its animation to catchy song, this opening for Toradora perfectly captures what the series is about and gives us many small, hidden teasers of what's to come in the series. Pure pureparedo!
1. Toki Wo Kizamu Uta - Lia from Clannad: After Story
This OP to Clannad: After Story is simply amazing. The track, characters and entire series provokes so much emotion that will take you on a feel journey, and maybe have you stop to think about life. Truly amazing.
HEADS UP: I'll also be creating a similar post where I rank the endings from the same ten series! Viva anime!
Friday, July 10, 2015
AIMS Update 8: One Week Down, Five To Go
July 10th, 8:15pm - The Heim in Graz, Austria
One week ago today, I arrived in Graz. I can't believe I've already been here for an entire week and I am loving every second of it!
Like yesterday, today was very relaxing. One morning class followed by an open afternoon and a fuller evening of plans. From 4 to 5 tonight, I attended a Period Movement Class for women only, which foccussed on many aspects of movement within opera. We discussed and practiced walking properly depending on the time period the opera is placed in, as well as how to properly curtsey depending if your character is a noble or a servant. We also addressed how to properly fan, work with trains, work with capes, handle long evening gloves and properly place/use feather boas. I am very glad I signed up for this class, and after tonight's post I may throw on my own evening gown and practice how to work and move with the train. Practice homework!
After the movement class, many of us stayed for a lecture, titled: The Story of Graz told by a Graz Native. As the title insinuated, the man who presented has been a native of Graz his entire life and he not only told us about AIMS, but also some of his personal life in this city. He talked about the times when he was young, in school and also WWII. It was a very interesting and moving talk that flew by, and had we more time with him, we could have been listening to him for hours on end.
After arriving back at Jakominiplaz, a few of us grabbed some gelato, quick dinner (Austrian McDonald's which was surprisingly good) and returned to the Heim. The work week is now over, and the weekend is pretty free so I may spend some time exploring the city more!
Preview of What's to Come:
I had mentioned in yesterdays post that we had met with our assigned teacher, coaches and finalized our schedules! Here's a master list of all classes and courses I will be part of while here at AIMS, a bit about them and how often they are held:
One week ago today, I arrived in Graz. I can't believe I've already been here for an entire week and I am loving every second of it!
Like yesterday, today was very relaxing. One morning class followed by an open afternoon and a fuller evening of plans. From 4 to 5 tonight, I attended a Period Movement Class for women only, which foccussed on many aspects of movement within opera. We discussed and practiced walking properly depending on the time period the opera is placed in, as well as how to properly curtsey depending if your character is a noble or a servant. We also addressed how to properly fan, work with trains, work with capes, handle long evening gloves and properly place/use feather boas. I am very glad I signed up for this class, and after tonight's post I may throw on my own evening gown and practice how to work and move with the train. Practice homework!
After the movement class, many of us stayed for a lecture, titled: The Story of Graz told by a Graz Native. As the title insinuated, the man who presented has been a native of Graz his entire life and he not only told us about AIMS, but also some of his personal life in this city. He talked about the times when he was young, in school and also WWII. It was a very interesting and moving talk that flew by, and had we more time with him, we could have been listening to him for hours on end.
After arriving back at Jakominiplaz, a few of us grabbed some gelato, quick dinner (Austrian McDonald's which was surprisingly good) and returned to the Heim. The work week is now over, and the weekend is pretty free so I may spend some time exploring the city more!
Preview of What's to Come:
I had mentioned in yesterdays post that we had met with our assigned teacher, coaches and finalized our schedules! Here's a master list of all classes and courses I will be part of while here at AIMS, a bit about them and how often they are held:
- German I - Entry level German class, basics and survival German mainly - 5 days a week
- Voice Lessons - Private lessons with assigned teacher; specific work on operatic repertoire Teacher: Stephanie Weiss (bio can be found on the AIMS voice website) - 2 lessons a week
- Coachings - Continued work on operatic repertoire, overall approach - Coach: Christina Haan (bio can be found on the AIMS voice website) -2 coachings a week
- Stage Artistry 6 - Advance staging class; individual and class sessions with focus on acting, movement and presentation during performance of listed repertoire - 2 times a week
- ATS Opera I - Audition workshop class, basic level - 2 times a week
- Diction Coaching - 1 diction coaching a week (German, French or Italian) - Once a week
- Other Classes: Special Events, Voice Teacher Studio Class, Vocal Coach Studio Class, etc.
In addition to these classes, I may be selected to sing in various orchestra concerts or mass services through the city. Additionally I have also chosen to participate in the AIMS Chorale, a volunteer ensemble, which will perform various times throughout the summer. Brace yourselves, everything officially begins Monday!
That's it for now! See you again on Monday!
Thursday, July 9, 2015
AIMS Update 7: Teachers and Coaches and Schlossberg, OH MY!
July 8th, 9:50pm - The Heim in Graz, Austria
Let's start with this:
Schlossberg Castle
As I write tonight, I have just returned home from climbing the Schlossberg, and wow, was it amazing. While it was quite a hike the payoff at the stopping points and the views from the highest points of the castle were incredible. I took tons of pictures from all places and at all angles but I'll have to wait until I come home to post them. I was not planning on climbing the Schlossberg today, but I did!
Let's back up a bit. Today we were assigned out private teachers and vocal coaches! I am lucky to have gotten my number one picks for both and I cannot wait to start our lessons and coachings. An added bonus at AIMS is that I have the opportunity to go to any coach or teacher here this summer and ask for extra lessons and coachings. I plan to ask most, if not all, the teachers here for at least one lesson or coaching session as I want to learn and absorb as much as I can.
After meeting our teachers and finalizing our schedules for the next five weeks, we Western Crew headed to a restaurant for dinner. I had what I liked to call "German Mac n' Cheese" - shpetzel noodles in cheese sauce with whatever toppings you'd like. Like everything else to eat here in Austria, it was delicious. It was after dinner when we were walking back to the Heim that a group of us suddenly decided to climb the Schlossberg. It was getting cooler and the sun was just beginning to set, so we decided it would be a perfect time to climb it, especially since I had never done it before. So we left the Heim, grabbed some Gelato (because why not) and climbed up the Schlossberg. It was beautiful.
And now we are where we began. I have just returned home from climbing the Schlossberg, and wow, was it amazing.
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
AIMS Update 6: First Impression City
July 8th, 11:15pm - The Heim in Graz, Austria
On the whole today's schedule was pretty lax, except for the part where I sang for all the AIMS voice teachers, coaches and key members of the program. After being accepted initially into AIMS, I knew I would have a hearing upon arrival where this summers teachers/coaches could hear all the voices and make decisions regarding studio placement. Not only are these hearings informative about student voices, but the performances we give also determine if we will be singing in orchestra concerts or other perform in other various solo performance throughout Graz.
Despite my nerves and the fact that I was giving this hearing in front of 25 to 30 very important people, I was happy with the result. Like every audition or hearing, not everything goes perfectly and there are always areas to improve, but given the circumstances I'm quite proud of my performance this afternoon.
I continue to remind myself that I am on the younger side of the age scale and there are people here who have bigger, more settled and much fuller voices then my own - but this doesn't make me inferior. The fact that I'm young doesn't mean I don't deserve to be here, and just because right now I can't sing Queen of the Night or the Doll Aria, just to name a few, doesn't make me any less of a singer. This summer is purely a learning experience not a performance experience, and for where I currently am in my course of study that's perfectly ok!
After my hearing, I had tons of time to kill before the next lecture. I hung in my room for a few hours, Matt made us Westerner's dinner and then we all headed back out for a talk with information about the Operetta program at AIMS. It was a great meeting with the operetta coaches presented information about the solo concerts, ensembles and gave some general background on the world of operetta. Another opportunity for me here!! Later tonight I also attended the first rehearsal of the AIMS Chorale which will be performing various times throughout the summer. More and more times to sing!
Tomorrow looks like another easy day, but in reality is pretty important. Tomorrow we meet our teachers for the program, our vocal coach and get to know all the other singers in our studio for the summer. I'm excited to see who I will be studying with and can't wait to start lessons!
With everything finally falling into place, I really feel like I'm starting to settle down here in Graz. Everyday I become more familiar with the area, try out more German and continue to focus on my studies. Graz is love, Graz is life and I wont take a single moment of this experience for granted.
"I was always walking alone.
When I looked back, everyone was far away.
Nevertheless, I walked on,
That was my strength.
I'm not afraid of anything anymore." Translated lyrics - Brave (Aoi Tada)
On the whole today's schedule was pretty lax, except for the part where I sang for all the AIMS voice teachers, coaches and key members of the program. After being accepted initially into AIMS, I knew I would have a hearing upon arrival where this summers teachers/coaches could hear all the voices and make decisions regarding studio placement. Not only are these hearings informative about student voices, but the performances we give also determine if we will be singing in orchestra concerts or other perform in other various solo performance throughout Graz.
Despite my nerves and the fact that I was giving this hearing in front of 25 to 30 very important people, I was happy with the result. Like every audition or hearing, not everything goes perfectly and there are always areas to improve, but given the circumstances I'm quite proud of my performance this afternoon.
I continue to remind myself that I am on the younger side of the age scale and there are people here who have bigger, more settled and much fuller voices then my own - but this doesn't make me inferior. The fact that I'm young doesn't mean I don't deserve to be here, and just because right now I can't sing Queen of the Night or the Doll Aria, just to name a few, doesn't make me any less of a singer. This summer is purely a learning experience not a performance experience, and for where I currently am in my course of study that's perfectly ok!
After my hearing, I had tons of time to kill before the next lecture. I hung in my room for a few hours, Matt made us Westerner's dinner and then we all headed back out for a talk with information about the Operetta program at AIMS. It was a great meeting with the operetta coaches presented information about the solo concerts, ensembles and gave some general background on the world of operetta. Another opportunity for me here!! Later tonight I also attended the first rehearsal of the AIMS Chorale which will be performing various times throughout the summer. More and more times to sing!
Tomorrow looks like another easy day, but in reality is pretty important. Tomorrow we meet our teachers for the program, our vocal coach and get to know all the other singers in our studio for the summer. I'm excited to see who I will be studying with and can't wait to start lessons!
With everything finally falling into place, I really feel like I'm starting to settle down here in Graz. Everyday I become more familiar with the area, try out more German and continue to focus on my studies. Graz is love, Graz is life and I wont take a single moment of this experience for granted.
"I was always walking alone.
When I looked back, everyone was far away.
Nevertheless, I walked on,
That was my strength.
I'm not afraid of anything anymore." Translated lyrics - Brave (Aoi Tada)
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
AIMS Update 5: Little Fish in a Big HOT Pond
July 7th, 11:30pm - The Heim in Graz, Austria
Today was our first "real" busy day. My day began with German where we reviewed our work from the previous class along with some other materials and survival phrases. I then had some time before taking the train to the Pharrsaal where a lecture entitled 'German Diction with Conviction' was held. A German woman spoke on the importance of German diction and had a few people come up, recite their German repertoire text for the class and fix mistakes in the German pronunciation. This was the first thing that alludes to the title of this post: little fish in a big pond. The first speaker did very well, articulating all the vowels and slight shifts in the language, but the second speaker was a bit of a mess. These first few classes, masterclass sessions and hearings are our first opportunities to hear each other sing or perform, so everyone is feeling some pressure right now, but hearing this young girl get up and look like she was sight reading this German for the first time in front of the class, was something special. The "professor" running the lecture made a great point: "You must come into a diction coaching having done at least 80% of the work. Otherwise you are wasting my and your own time". Needless to say, when I attend my diction coachings I will be very well prepared.
After German diction, I headed back to the Heim to rest. The average temperature in Graz this afternoon was around 95 degrees, so it was SUPER hot which makes for an exhausting day. At 5pm I headed downstairs to meet my assigned pianist for my hearing tomorrow morning! I am the last hearing before make-ups or the late arrivals perform, so I'm hoping to make a good impression on the staff, teachers, coaches and faculty. The rrehersal ultimately went very well and I feel very prepared for tomorrow.
An hour or so later, a group of us went out to grab some dinner before boarding the train again and sitting in on another session of Masterclass #1.
Let's just say this session was "VERY INTERESTING" and I had some very choice words and feelings after it was over....
Anyhoo, another day has come and gone. Tomorrow is, in the long run, a much easier day but a little more intense with my hearing just after noon. Tomorrow I prove why I'm here and why I should be selected/programmed for various recitals, orchestra concerts and other performances - let's do this!
Guten nacht!
Today was our first "real" busy day. My day began with German where we reviewed our work from the previous class along with some other materials and survival phrases. I then had some time before taking the train to the Pharrsaal where a lecture entitled 'German Diction with Conviction' was held. A German woman spoke on the importance of German diction and had a few people come up, recite their German repertoire text for the class and fix mistakes in the German pronunciation. This was the first thing that alludes to the title of this post: little fish in a big pond. The first speaker did very well, articulating all the vowels and slight shifts in the language, but the second speaker was a bit of a mess. These first few classes, masterclass sessions and hearings are our first opportunities to hear each other sing or perform, so everyone is feeling some pressure right now, but hearing this young girl get up and look like she was sight reading this German for the first time in front of the class, was something special. The "professor" running the lecture made a great point: "You must come into a diction coaching having done at least 80% of the work. Otherwise you are wasting my and your own time". Needless to say, when I attend my diction coachings I will be very well prepared.
After German diction, I headed back to the Heim to rest. The average temperature in Graz this afternoon was around 95 degrees, so it was SUPER hot which makes for an exhausting day. At 5pm I headed downstairs to meet my assigned pianist for my hearing tomorrow morning! I am the last hearing before make-ups or the late arrivals perform, so I'm hoping to make a good impression on the staff, teachers, coaches and faculty. The rrehersal ultimately went very well and I feel very prepared for tomorrow.
An hour or so later, a group of us went out to grab some dinner before boarding the train again and sitting in on another session of Masterclass #1.
Let's just say this session was "VERY INTERESTING" and I had some very choice words and feelings after it was over....
Anyhoo, another day has come and gone. Tomorrow is, in the long run, a much easier day but a little more intense with my hearing just after noon. Tomorrow I prove why I'm here and why I should be selected/programmed for various recitals, orchestra concerts and other performances - let's do this!
Guten nacht!
Monday, July 6, 2015
AIMS Update 4 - The Start of Something Amazing
Since I write today's post at almost 1am Graz time, I'll try to keep my latest update brief.
Today AIMS official started: lectures, German class, masterclass sessions and exploring the city. I attended part one of a lecture series entitled 'Mindfulness for Singers' which focused on feeling the body while singing and what it means to channel anxiety through your breath and singing. Later this morning I had my first German class! Our class, level 1, is pretty small and both Claire and Levi are there so we can all struggle through it together. Our German teacher is also super awesome, so there's that too. Immediately after German, Claire and I headed to the Odelian-Institute where the first sections of Masterclass 1 are being held. The session had started before out German class so we only arrived there to see the last two singers of the morning, but it was great to hear other AIMS singers working with Soprano Gabriele Leichner. Around 1 in the afternoon we headed back to the Heim where we had some down time before a social hour and official welcome dinner with the entire AIMS faculty, staff and vocalist/pianist participants. We had time to mingle and had dinner in the Gosser Bar next door (more schnitzel!). Since dinner was our last official event for the day, a few of us walked down to the Jakominiplaz for some Gelato before coming back to the Heim for the night. Claire, Matt and I hung out for a while, had some wine and talked about all sorts of stuff. I forget how nice it is to just sit down and talk to someone sometimes, so I was glad we were able to do that tonight. Anyway, I'm still up here but I should go to bed. Tomorrow is another day and tomorrow is a busy day! Guten nacht!
Today AIMS official started: lectures, German class, masterclass sessions and exploring the city. I attended part one of a lecture series entitled 'Mindfulness for Singers' which focused on feeling the body while singing and what it means to channel anxiety through your breath and singing. Later this morning I had my first German class! Our class, level 1, is pretty small and both Claire and Levi are there so we can all struggle through it together. Our German teacher is also super awesome, so there's that too. Immediately after German, Claire and I headed to the Odelian-Institute where the first sections of Masterclass 1 are being held. The session had started before out German class so we only arrived there to see the last two singers of the morning, but it was great to hear other AIMS singers working with Soprano Gabriele Leichner. Around 1 in the afternoon we headed back to the Heim where we had some down time before a social hour and official welcome dinner with the entire AIMS faculty, staff and vocalist/pianist participants. We had time to mingle and had dinner in the Gosser Bar next door (more schnitzel!). Since dinner was our last official event for the day, a few of us walked down to the Jakominiplaz for some Gelato before coming back to the Heim for the night. Claire, Matt and I hung out for a while, had some wine and talked about all sorts of stuff. I forget how nice it is to just sit down and talk to someone sometimes, so I was glad we were able to do that tonight. Anyway, I'm still up here but I should go to bed. Tomorrow is another day and tomorrow is a busy day! Guten nacht!
AIMS: Updates 1, 2 & 3: So It Begins...
Update 1
July 3rd, 10:16pm (US time) - Aboard flight from Detroit to Frankfurt
Today marks day one of my Austrian adventure! After frivolous packing, some brief internal screaming and just a little bit of panic I am currently aboard my flight from Detroit to Frankfurt, Germany! Once I land, my six hour layover begins and eventually I'll board my second flight which will take me directly to Graz. While nothing of "huge excitement" has happened yet and I definitely wont get any sleep on this flight, I am still very excited!
Update 2
July 4th, 11:3 (Graz time) - The Heim
Welcome to Graz!
I made it!!
After two long days of traveling, tonight at 6:30pm I finally arrived in Graz, Austria! A group of us were picked up at the airport and driven to our summer home away from home - The Heim. Similar to a dorm, the Heim has various levels with lobbies, common areas, bedrooms and full kitchens! Rooms are paired in two and my suite-mate is Claire, so I'm sure we'll have some fun nights in Austria together.
Shortly after arriving and unpacking I met up with Claire, the other Western-folk and met a few other singers who had just arrived. Claire, myself and a new friend decided to grab some dinner and ended up taking a walk down to the central square known as the Jakominiplaz. By exploring various paths and alleyways we decided on a small restaurant tucked away from the business for dinner. We must have spent a few hours there talking about AIMS, ourselves, our schools, not knowing any German and of course, the amazing food we were about to eat. I'm proud that my first official meal here in Austria was Weinerschnitzel with parsley potatoes - and boy was it amazing! After dinner we headed back to the Heim so I could finish unpacking, write the days post and get to bed (since I hadn't slept for quite some time).
The most amazing thing about Graz is the city itself. Graz is absolutely beautiful. The streets can be busy, but the entire city is so relaxing and has the rustic look/feel. Much of Graz looks like something out of a 'Hansel & Gretel' fairytale book: cobblestone roadways, tight alleys, beautiful buildings and more. The Jakominiplaz also contains a huge shopping center as well as various food vendors (this is where I plan to eat my fill of Brats on this trip). I already love it here and don't want to leave, but thankfully for me it's all just getting started!
My first night in Austria was wonderful between great people and the amazing food. I know unforgetable memories will be made on this trip. Until tomorrow!
Update 3
July 5th, 10pm - The Heim
Can I move here? Seriously, Graz is gorgeous. After a great nights sleep I woke up for breakfast served at the Gosser Bar next door with the Western peeps. After breakfast I went on a City Tour of Graz with many other participants of this summers AIMS program, we walked about the city and I was able to take lots of pictures. Most shops and businesses are closed on Sundays, so the streets were quiet and empty except for the music that could be heard from a nearby Cathedral. We say many of the city highlights and now I have places to visit and go to before my stay in Graz is over!
After the tour and a short break, the singers and pianists headed "downtown" to the school where we had a brief orientation. It was my first time taking the tram, or Strassehnbahn, which makes various stops throughout Graz and it was fun to see the city by tram. Once we arrived at the school, we met a few members of the core staff and went over a few policies and expectations for the summer. Afterwards we took a walk to locate all the other buildings around the school where all our various classes and rehearsals will be held. After grabbing a quick bite from a local sandwich shop we headed back to the Heim where I relaxed for a few hours. I rounded off the night with Matt and Levi, walking around the city and making a late night Gelato run. Day two is in the books!
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
The Next Summer Adventure
The first time I left the country was back in 2008.
That summer before my freshmen year of high school, I left the U.S to attend the Royal School of Church Music in England with choristers from my church. My mother had attended the same program when she was my age and I couldn't be more excited to take such a trip.
The next time wasn't until 2010.
Just short of becoming a Junior, I left home to travel to Germany with the Okemos High School Orchestra. We gave many concerts, attended school and stayed with wonderful host families. It was on this trip that I met my "German Sister" who I still talk to today.
Most recently was last summer.
I had just finished my Sophomore year at Western and was accepted into the OperaMaya Voice Program held in Tulum, Mexico. Though it ended up not being performance-oriented, I made friends and had the opportunity to work with some wonderful teachers and coaches while enjoying paradise on the beach.
And now as I approach starting my Senior year of college, I'm leaving home again to attend the American Institute of Musical Studies Opera Studio Voice Program in Graz, Austria.
The AIMS program is one that since starting college I've always wanted to participate in. It is considered one of the best voice programs in Europe and one of the most attended by both undergraduate and graduate students from various schools and countries. I somehow never thought I'd actually be attending the program, even though I'd already made up my mind that I'd be attending sometime while in college. And now in two days, I'll head out again to take this next amazing adventure.
While in Graz, I will have weekly voice lessons and coachings, as well as diction classes, German classes, Masterclasses, various recitals and performance opportunities, discussions with professionals musicians and many more amazing opportunities.
My goals of attending this program are simple:
1. To learn as much as possible
2. To attend everything - all events and musical performances, even if I am not selected to participate
3. To make friends, create memories and have the trip of a lifetime
Unlike my recent excursion to Mexico, I will have full access to internet and various forms of technology that I will use to communicate with family and friends back home. I will also be updating my blog as much as possible in lieu of writing in my travel journal, so more people can read about my adventures and keep up to date with everything that happens over these next exciting six weeks! Check out my blog daily for new updates, stories and maybe a few pictures too!!
AIMS will be a new chapter for me. An opportunity to focus on my passion for six weeks which also serves as a "first look" into the career I continue to pursue. A time to grow both as a musician and as a person. And it all starts in just over 48 hours. Auf Wiedersehen!
That summer before my freshmen year of high school, I left the U.S to attend the Royal School of Church Music in England with choristers from my church. My mother had attended the same program when she was my age and I couldn't be more excited to take such a trip.
The next time wasn't until 2010.
Just short of becoming a Junior, I left home to travel to Germany with the Okemos High School Orchestra. We gave many concerts, attended school and stayed with wonderful host families. It was on this trip that I met my "German Sister" who I still talk to today.
Most recently was last summer.
I had just finished my Sophomore year at Western and was accepted into the OperaMaya Voice Program held in Tulum, Mexico. Though it ended up not being performance-oriented, I made friends and had the opportunity to work with some wonderful teachers and coaches while enjoying paradise on the beach.
And now as I approach starting my Senior year of college, I'm leaving home again to attend the American Institute of Musical Studies Opera Studio Voice Program in Graz, Austria.
The AIMS program is one that since starting college I've always wanted to participate in. It is considered one of the best voice programs in Europe and one of the most attended by both undergraduate and graduate students from various schools and countries. I somehow never thought I'd actually be attending the program, even though I'd already made up my mind that I'd be attending sometime while in college. And now in two days, I'll head out again to take this next amazing adventure.
While in Graz, I will have weekly voice lessons and coachings, as well as diction classes, German classes, Masterclasses, various recitals and performance opportunities, discussions with professionals musicians and many more amazing opportunities.
My goals of attending this program are simple:
1. To learn as much as possible
2. To attend everything - all events and musical performances, even if I am not selected to participate
3. To make friends, create memories and have the trip of a lifetime
Unlike my recent excursion to Mexico, I will have full access to internet and various forms of technology that I will use to communicate with family and friends back home. I will also be updating my blog as much as possible in lieu of writing in my travel journal, so more people can read about my adventures and keep up to date with everything that happens over these next exciting six weeks! Check out my blog daily for new updates, stories and maybe a few pictures too!!
AIMS will be a new chapter for me. An opportunity to focus on my passion for six weeks which also serves as a "first look" into the career I continue to pursue. A time to grow both as a musician and as a person. And it all starts in just over 48 hours. Auf Wiedersehen!
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