Papa To Kiss In The Dark (2005)
Video: Papa To Kiss In The Dark Ending Theme
Mira has always lived with his father Kyosuke, a handsome AV actor who has raised Mira on his own. Having just become a high school student, Mira is excited to attend his new school alongside his childhood friends, Kazuki and Shun, who still tease Mira about his utter devotion and love for his father. Mira has always talked it all up to their father-son bond, but reality holds a dark secret - Mira is not only in love with his twenty-nine year old father, but they also have a very romantic and active relationship.
Why I began this series: I had heard of Papa To Kiss In The Dark before, but hadn't thought much about it. When I came across it again, I decided to watch it.
Thoughts on the series:
Somehow I had hoped Papa To Kiss In The Dark would be different than what I thought it to be - I was wrong. Papa To Kiss In The Dark was exactly as advertised and more, taking me on an uncomfortable roller coaster of pure shock and surprise. From its title I was expecting this short yaoi to be centered around a father and son in a romantic relationship, but I was in no way prepared for all the twists and turns to come. Many aspects of the series plot surprised me: his father being only twenty-nine when Mira himself was already fourteen years old, the degree of their romantic relationship, the fact that Miras friend Kazuki was in love with him, the fact that Mira was adopted according to his families register - shocks came one after another. There were so many shocking parts I at many times considered completely abandoning the series and forgetting I had ever heard of it, but in the end I decided to stick it out. Ultimately, the plot for Papa To Kiss In The Dark was extremely unexpected and something I personally don't find the least bit romantic. Alongside its "interesting" plot, were its simple and absent minded characters. All of Papa To Kiss In the Darks characters were quite bland, and the only topic of discussion between them was sex. With the exception of Takayuki, every character in the series was only invested in Miras personal life and what his real relationship with his father truly was. This led me to quickly discard many of the series characters, with the only two of merit being Takayuki and Shun as they were the only male characters who were not trying to completely uncover Miras secrets or try and sleep with him. I have never been comfortable with incest in any anime and Papa To Kiss In The Dark took incest and threw it against a wall to elevate it times one thousand, but while I in no way agree with the relationships that Papa To Kiss In The Dark portrayed, there still was some beauty to be found within the series. Though made in 2005 with simple animation Papa To Kiss In The Dark had some beautiful frames, most occurring during scenes outdoors. These scenes were both simply stunning to look at and greatly helped as a distraction from its plot. Ironically, the character designs for the series were also quite beautiful, as I felt my heart drop with every new introductory character shot, even for characters who participated in events that I did not agree with whatsoever. The animation may have seemed simple but it truly had some shining moments. Finally the series had a surprisingly beautiful music, from just its background use in various scenes to its catchy and perfectly matched ending theme, which added much to the series overall look and feel.
Papa To Kiss In The Dark is a series that mostly likely I will never watch again. A yaoi comedy about father-son love, Papa To Kiss In The Dark is exactly what you'd expect from any Shounen Ai.
Kirepapa (2008)
Thirty-five year old author Chisato has always enjoyed driving his son Riju's friends away, fearing they might try to take advantage of him. However, one of Riju's friends, eighteen year old Shunsuke, can't seem to be tricked and has always taken a liking to the beautiful Chisato. When Chisato one day jokes with Shunsuke about meeting and possibly going out with the author of his favorite novel series, Shunsuke eagerly asks if he would really do it - and when Chisato finds out his favorite author is really Shunsuke under a pen name, what will he do?
Why I began this series: I came across Kirepapa quite unexpectedly online and began watching it due to its short run time.
Thoughts on the series:
I have very mixed feelings on this series as I enjoyed the first episode much more than the second. Another yaoi surrounding a very close father and son, I was glad to see that Kirepapa was nothing like Papa To Kiss In The Dark and was a yaoi that more resembled others I've seen. Its first installment was wonderful, bringing and tying all the romantic elements together beautifully in Chisato and Shunsukes relationship. Likewise, Chisato and Shunsukes confession scene was beautiful and showed how both were suddenly changed upon learning the others feelings and accepting what they had as love. With small plot twists here and there, the first episode left me wanting more and more, but sadly as I began the second episode my opinions on the series began to spiral downward. Chisato and Shunsukes relationship was still alright to watch, but it was Chisatos son Rijus relationship with a much older man that quickly made me uncomfortable. While this was the case however, I was happy to see Chisato so concerned for his son and overly protective of him now that a lover was actually in the picture. It was here also that Chisato learned to accept their relationship just as Riju accepted his fathers with his fellow classmate. While its plot wavered, Kirepapa had a plot that was leagues better compared to Papa To Kiss In The Dark. Plot aside, the series had some lovely animation and very nice character designs which made the series both an easy and nice one to watch.
I have very mixed feelings on this series as I enjoyed the first episode much more than the second. Another yaoi surrounding a very close father and son, I was glad to see that Kirepapa was nothing like Papa To Kiss In The Dark and was a yaoi that more resembled others I've seen. Its first installment was wonderful, bringing and tying all the romantic elements together beautifully in Chisato and Shunsukes relationship. Likewise, Chisato and Shunsukes confession scene was beautiful and showed how both were suddenly changed upon learning the others feelings and accepting what they had as love. With small plot twists here and there, the first episode left me wanting more and more, but sadly as I began the second episode my opinions on the series began to spiral downward. Chisato and Shunsukes relationship was still alright to watch, but it was Chisatos son Rijus relationship with a much older man that quickly made me uncomfortable. While this was the case however, I was happy to see Chisato so concerned for his son and overly protective of him now that a lover was actually in the picture. It was here also that Chisato learned to accept their relationship just as Riju accepted his fathers with his fellow classmate. While its plot wavered, Kirepapa had a plot that was leagues better compared to Papa To Kiss In The Dark. Plot aside, the series had some lovely animation and very nice character designs which made the series both an easy and nice one to watch.
A yaoi ranking somewhere in the middle of all the Shounen Ai I've now seen, Kirepapa is worth the watch for any true yaoi fan. While not hardcore, it is yet another series beloved by fans for its beautiful men and love story.
Ikoku Irokoi Romantan (A Foreign Love Affair) (2007/2008)
Ikoku Irokoi Romantan (A Foreign Love Affair) (2007/2008)
Ranmaru, the son of a yakuza mob boss, is about to marry the daughter of a fellow mob boss, Karou. Though they detest each other, they agree to be married while at sea on an Italian cruise ship and quickly become the center of attention as they are both foreigners. When the two get into a fight following their wedding and Ranmaru is thrown out of their shared room, he goes to the ships bar where he runs into competing yakuza members. Wanting to protect his honor and manhood Ranmaru prepares to fight but is suddenly stopped by the Italian man, Alberto, who afterward reveals his obsession with the Japanese and the Japanese culture. The two talk and drink the night away at the bar, but when they find themselves alone and in a drunken state, who knows what can happen.
Why I began the series: Like many other yaois I've stumbled across, I found Ikoku Irokoi Romantan unexpectedly and thus began another one of the greatly beloved yaoi series of anime.
Thoughts on the series:
Alongside Love Stage, Junjo Romantica and Hey Class President!, Ikoku Irokoi Romantan was a yaoi I really enjoyed. From its story, to its characters and animation, Ikoku Irokoi Romantan was a series that ultimately turned out to be a hidden gem. The first things that grabbed me was the series premise, something different that all other yaois as it told a tale of unexpected cross nationalistic love. This idea is what made me fall in love with the series all together, as it showed not only that love can occur between two people no matter their gender but also no matter their nationality or background. The plot overall was very smooth and made for a quick easy watch, throwing in a few unexpected twists that added to its drama and budding romantic elements. But perhaps even more well done and noteworthy were the series two main characters, Ranmaru and Alberto. Both complex in personality and absolutely gorgeous in animation the pair had me wanting more and more even when I had finished the final episode, additionally making me yearn for a "second season". Both Ranmaru and Alberto were genuinely nice people who met on various coincidental occasions and soon discovered something more to their relationship, a sentiment that was a nice change from Papa To Kiss In The Dark. I additionally harbored a huge respect for them both, Alberto especially as he saved Ranmaru from being kidnapped and almost sold as a sex slave. Their bond and relationship was something very beautiful to watch, and the series animation made this already beautiful story shine even brighter by showing that it was both an incredibly sexy yet intellectual series. The character designs of Ranmaru and Alberto were nothing short of stunning and made even more interesting by Ranmaru's firm decision to wear only a Japanese kimono and Albertos love of the Japanese culture. Between its sweeping, romantic plot line and its gorgeously animated characters, Ikoku Irokoi Romantan was a beauty to behold.
Ikoku Irokoi Romantan is a highly underestimated yaoi, though deeply loved by those who know if its existence. For any yaoi fan, it is a definite must see if you haven't already.
Romeo x Juliet (2007)
Video: Romeo x Juliet Opening - You Raise Me Up

"Two households, both alike in dignity..."
Loosely based on William Shakespeare's most tragic love story Romeo & Juliet, Romeo x Juliet gives a new fantastical twist on the classic love story of our two "star crossed lovers". After surviving her entire families slaughter by the power hungry Lord Montague, Juliet has lived the past fourteen years in hiding dressed as a young man named Oden. But Oden is more than he appears and more commonly goes by another name, The Red Whirlwind, who has vowed to bring peace and justice t the people and land known as Neo Verona. All the while, Romeo, the only son an heir of Montague, lives out his life as a noble prince, but when he and The Red Whirlwind unexpectedly cross paths, what dark secrets will be revealed and will Romeo and Juliet be able to survive this forbidden romance?
Why I began this series: I had just finished performing in Charles Gonoud's Romantic Opera of Romeo & Juliet with a professional opera company when I suddenly remembered seeing an anime with the same. Hoping that it might even slightly resemble Shakespeares beloved play and looking for a new romance anime, I began it right away.
Thoughts on the series:
For a a completely new take on Romeo x Juliet, I loved this anime adaption. While its content was quite different than that of Shakespeare's work it still had the overall appeal that the play should have as one of the most beloved love stories of all time, adding in fantasy elements that seemed to make the series really take flight. With its main focus still on this tragic love, Romeo x Juliet was able to tell the story in its own way with a fantastical plot that was able to show Romeo and Juliet not only as two young people in love, but also as real people. Though everything revolved around their forbidden romance, they were forces to be reckoned with as individuals. This was especially the case with Juliet whose strong and courageous personality far out shined Romeo's quite and reserved stature, reversing their roles from Shakespeares original play. To have Juliet take the lead with Romeo behind her was a wonderful change, painting her not as a damsel in distress who needed saving but rather a young girl with a strong sense of justice and morality who had fallen in love. In addition to this, the plot had many small twists that either completely diverged or were non-existant in the play: Tybalt being the older brother of Romeo, Montague slaying the Capulets purely for the desire of power, Mercutio being somewhat of a villian - though different it all came together and worked quite well for the series new setting. But perhaps even more remarkable about this adaptation were its characters and the quality of life brought to the series by the English Dub cast. Including all of characters from the original play along with some additional faces, the series characters were all memorable, lovable and wonderful, making its large cast seem like one family. But these characters would not have been brought to life if it were not for the English Dub cast, and wow was it amazing. Featuring countless voice actors of note, the Dub cast brought such a life to the series it was unfathomable and featured some performance of extraordinary stature. The brightest star of the series was Brina Palencia as Juliet, who gave the heroine such spunk along with such a depth of emotion, it was incredibly moving. Alongside her work at Shirayuki from Snow White With The Red Hair, her portrayal of Juliet could be argued to be some of her best work. Another performance that particularly struck me was that of J Michael Tatum as none other than William Shakespeare himself. Tatum's take on the infamous bard was quite interesting and a refreshing take on what Shakespeare himself might have been like, adding in his own comedic flair while still keeping true to Shakespeares passion for art and story telling. Like Palencia, Tatums performance was one that I completely unexpected and was thrilled to see from the moment he entered the stage. And finally there was Lord Montague - easily one of the greatest villains in all of anime and played by the absolutely spell binding Sean Hennigan. With too many stunning performances to mention, it quickly became clear that the series characters were the driving action and life behind this tragic love story. Next came the animation, which while older and more simplistic fit the series overall look and feel quite well. The backgrounds of many scenes were especially beautiful, alongside a few character designs that fit the time period of the series while still making it feel like it really was Shakespeare's play. The script of the series was also quite interesting, balancing current age terminology with a large amount of quotes from the original play, as well as many lines from Shakespeare's other works. The only issue with this however was that it was inconsistent, as some episodes sounded more Shakespearean than others and it was blatantly obvious when the switch in slang occurred. But the true gem of Romeo x Juliet lay not in its plot, characters, voice acting, animation or script - its true beauty lies in the series soundtrack composed by Hitoshi Sakimoto. Known primarily as a video game composer, Sakimoto delivered a simply breathtaking score for Romeo x Juliet that added such a level of emotion to the series that didn't seem possible. The music itself is enough to make one cry and is one of the most well composed, beautiful scores of music I have ever come across in anime. It's entirety is noteworthy, but the two tracks below swept me off my feet the moment I heard them:
Romeo x Juliet Original Soundtrack - Unmei
Romeo x Juliet Original Soundtrack - Kimi no iru Sekai
For any Romance anime fan, Romeo x Juliet is a must see. With its sweepingly romantic story, lovable cast of characters and absolutely beautiful score "there never was a tale of more woe, than that of Juliet and her Romeo".
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