Sunday, May 22, 2016

Why Anime? - 7 YouTube AMVs and MADs To Introduce Anime To Your Non-Anime Friends

I've recently gone trolling through YouTube for the perfect AMV or MAD, which can be hard to come by. As most AMVs or MADs are created for competitions at anime conventions or conferences, each video is planned out to the last and tiniest detail to make sure that everything is just right before the video is submitted for judging, and while some succeed more than others, there is a vast variety of AMVs and MADs out there to satisfy your current anime fix. But before you can begin watching AMVs or MADs, you should know the difference between the two.

So what is the difference between an AMV and a MAD? AMVs, or Anime Music Videos, are more common and popular videos purely made on a fan-made basis, usually by Americans. AMVs generally consist of clips from various animes that have been edited together to create one stunning video that is typically set to either a Japanese track or popular American song. The most popular AMVs can include clips from thirty to forty anime series and can even go higher than that if the creator has the time and desire to edit that many clips together. So how is this different than an MAD? MADs are usually made by Japanese fans or sources that can include both anime and non-anime clips. More than AMVs, MADs rely more on matching these clips with the music selected to evoke a certain feeling or make the viewer want to learn more about the media used. MADs are further created to introduce viewers to certain media, rather than a collage of various media spliced together. While MADs are far lesson popular, they still get top views alongside the thousands of AMVs that have been created and the thousands more that are sure to come as more anime is released each season.

Now that you know what an AMV and MAD are, you begin watching and finding those videos that speak to you. But what if you non-anime friend asks or states the following:
  • Why do you love anime so much?
  • Anime is dumb - its not a good representation of real life
  • Anime is all just a bunch of girls with big eyes and really big boobs...
  • What does anime have that regular films, cartoons and movies doesn't?
  • How can you like something so, weird? Only nerds like anime.
  • Anime is just cartoons
  • Anime relationships aren't real. It's all fake and made up romance anyway, how can you get so invested in this stuff?
Besides giving them your opinions and feelings on the topic or maybe even introducing them to anime with a series you think they would enjoy, the following seven AMV/MAD videos are the perfect, accessible and quick rebound to show your non-anime friend why your love for anime is steadfast and strong.

1. I did not create any of these videos! - All rights go to their creators
2. These seven videos represent what I believe to be the best introduction of anime to a non-anime friend. This list is purely an opinion.
3. These videos are in random order - each was selected for specific and different reasons as described below and they are all favorites
4. These AMVs and MADs were selected as they show a variety of anime series, therefore AMVs or MADs that only use clips from one series were not selected for this list
5. Enjoy!

1. [MAD] Love Is A Beautiful Pain - Endless Tears
MAD Creator: Kaneisvan137 (Channel:
Song: Endless Tears by Cliff Edge ft. Maiko Nakamura
Anime Used: 40+ (see video for full list)

With over 38 million views on YouTube, this MAD is perfect for showing your inexperienced anime friend why you absolutely love anime. This MAD has everything - different animation styles, a variety of characters, a look at anime special effects, feels and everything in between. Additionally, this MAD covers a wide variety of anime genres showing everything from adventure to romance, and between so much anime being available and almost fifty different series used for this video, there are infinite possibilities. Chances are you and your friend will find at least one series that peaks your interest somewhere in this MAD and you'll begin binge watching it immediately. While this MAD is more geared towards those anime characters in love, there are still plenty of exciting elements throughout the video to keep your interest high from beginning to end. All said and done, this MADs biggest triumph is its editing as its clips are perfectly synced to the music, the video overall is high in energy and it is simply one of the most stunning and well made MADs anywhere on YouTube.

2. We Are Satellites! AMV
AMV Creator: Jupperavo (Channel:
Song: Satellites - Cash Cash
Anime Used: 40+ (see video for full list)

I came across this AMV recently and unexpectedly as YouTube was the first to recommended it to me. From its happy thumbnail photo, I clicked it and it instantly became one of my favorites AMVs to date. With just over 13 thousand views, this AMV is the perfect 2:30 video to show your friend what makes anime so different than regular movies . Unlike live actions films, anime is all about art style - and there are many different art styles used to create different genres and types of anime series and films. While many of these animation styles are related and some are used more than others, each animes particular art and animation style is only one of the elements that makes each series unique and a visual wonder. Like the MAD above, this AMV also shows a wide variety of anime characters from your typical high schoolers to your bad ass hero, is set to a great song and beautifully edited to show just how beautiful anime animation can be and that sometimes you don't need "live action" to enjoy a good story or something so visually stunning.

3. Everybody Deserves Somebody - AMV
AMV Creator: AnimeUnity (Channel:
Song: Settle for Less - Before You Exit
Anime Used (in order of appearance): Amagi Brilliant Park, Junjou Romantica, Sword Art Online, Nisekoi, Little Busters!, Akatsuki no Yona, Gugure! Kokkuri-san, Sakura Trick, Naruto, Orenchi no Furo Jijou, Nanatsu no Taizai, Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, Nagi no Asukara, Ao no Exorcist & Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!

Created by AnimeUnity, one of the most prominent and popular AMV channels on YouTube, this AMV focuses more on the "feels" commonly felt by every anime fan. In any anime series, "feels" are abundant and it's hard to get through or find a series that you haven't either ugly cried or teared up at. Nevertheless, this AMV takes a shorter selection of anime that mainly focuses on romance and the budding relationships between the specified characters, and is perfect to show the friend who is convinced that anime romance can't relate to real life romance. When it comes to romance animes in particular many have tragic endings, leaving viewers upset and angry that things had to end the way they did - but this AMV shows more of the positive sides of romance and reinforces the idea that anyone can fall in love at any time and with anyone. A sentiment I strongly believe in, I was thrilled to see that along with its beautiful and heartfelt song this AMV portrayed all kinds of relationships, including Yaoi (boy love) and Yuri (girl x girl) along with your typical heterosexual relationship. A video featuring some beautiful anime couples, intense in its "feels" and set to a song that is sure to have you singing along, this AMV is sure to make a strong impression of how romance can be beautifully portrayed in anime, just like real romance.

4. AMV - Keep Your Eyes Open
AMV Creator: NeverEnoughEpicAMVs5 (Channel:
Song: Keep Your Eyes Open - NEEDTOBREATHE
Anime Used: 30+ (see video for full list)

To the simple statement that "anime is dumb", this AMV is the perfect retaliation. A very different AMV, this video is not only made up of various anime clips but also clips from NEEDTOBREATHE's original music video for the song "Keep Your Eyes Open". Showing anime from various generations and of various styles, this AMV is exactly as advertised and perfect to show the friend who isn't willing to give anime a chance because they don't understand it. Non-anime fans are quick to put down anime mainly because they are inexperienced and haven't seen any or enough to have solidified opinions about it. The only way to know if you will like anime is to watch it, and this video not only gives viewers a look at various anime series and films, but also reminds them to always expand their boundaries or they will never discover those new things that could change their lives. Since I began watching anime almost one year ago, my life has changed and I have discovered and new passion and road I would have never traveled if I didn't take the first step in watching Sword Art Online (only second to Pokemon which I grew up on with every other 90's kid). Additionally, it is AMVs like these that are wonderful examples of why you should never be ashamed to enjoy the things you love and that you should be the person you want to be. If nothing else, this AMV is bound to leave you with goosebumps and make your heart a little happier.

5. Anime Mix - Be Somebody AMV
AMV Creator: zetsu1806 (Channel:
Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch
Anime Used: Accel World, Sword Art Online, Guilty Crown, Shingeki no Kyojin, Kakumeiki Valvrave & Karneval

This AMV goes to the friend who is a die hard realist or has a hard time seeing anime as being related to real life. Yes, anime is fiction and most anime has fantasy elements that aren't possible in real life, but many anime deal very heavy and series situations that can easily be related to real life issues and conflicts. There may not be giant robots to fight our battles or Titans that only feed on human flesh, but many animes are dark and portray themes on characters who are usually far too young to endure such horrors. More often than not in these types of series high schoolers and children are the victims of these difficult, life threatening and hard situations that could not only claim the lives of their friends but also their own. Taking six anime with male protagonists who find themselves in worlds of violence, uncertainty and impending death, this AMV takes a more serious route by showing that not all anime is sunshine and rainbows and that, in the end, we all want the same thing - to be known, loved and remembered.

6. Break the Rules - AMV
AMV Creator: AnimeUnity (Channel:
Song: Break the Rules (Sava & Razz Remix)
Anime Used (in alphabetical order): A Certain Scientific Railgun, Ao Haru Ride, Beat Angel Escalayer, Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou, Free! - Iwatobi Swim Club, Gj-Bu, Golden Time, Hanasaku Iroha, Hyouka, Jojo's Bizzare Adventure, Kyoukai No Kanata, Kyousougiga, Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions, Macross Frontier MUSIC CLIP Collection, Mawaru Penguin Drum, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Nerawareta Gakuen, Super Sonico The Animation & Your Lie in April

Another AMV that became an instant favorite, this video is perfect to show the friend who easily writes off anime as "cartoons". Anime is a Japanese art form that is both popular in Japan and has rapidly grown in popularity overseas in in the States especially over the past few decades. While anime may look like cartoons, there is much more underneath its delicate appearance. What particularly struck me about this AMV was the amount of female presence found throughout, highlighting several animes that have strong female protagonists who prove that they don't need saving or a man to do great things. A very "girl power" feeling AMV, this video is proof enough that anime is much more than "cartoons" and an exploration in the wonder and joy that is anime girl power.

AMV Creator: xMurasakiii (Channel:
Song: Talk Dirty to Me - Jason Durulo
Anime Used (in no particular order): Uta No Prince Sama, Kamigami No Asobi, Guilty Crown, Hakkenden Touhou Ibun, Free, Brothers Conflict, Durarara, Kuroku No Basuke, Macross Frontier, Meganebu, Kuroshitsuji, Kill La Kill, Diabolik Lovers, Cuticle Tantei Inaba & Tonari No Kaibutsu-kun)

"All anime is is just a bunch of high school girls with big eyes, big boobs.." - prepare to be proven wrong. This popular over 3 million times viewed AMV needs little in the way of description, taking some of animes sexiest male characters and putting them all in one perfect almost two and a half minute video of pure bliss. No matter your fancy, you and your non-anime friend are sure to fawn over one if not all of the anime boys found in this awesome AMV and based on pure looks alone, you'll both find characters you can fangirl over and find a series that you can get behind (no pun intended).

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