Saturday, January 23, 2016

Top 10 Anime YouTube Videos

Since getting big into anime, I'm always on the lookout for the perfect Anime YouTube video. It can be hard to take an anime and set it to a song popular today that makes sense with the series and elevates its animation to a whole other level. However, if you can find a video that does this right, the result is incredible. Of my current YouTube "Favorites" playlist, I have selected my top ten favorite Anime Videos that I have come across thus far. These videos include everything from romance, to epicness and even fan service, but each was selected due to their individual qualities and their overall impact as a viewer. 

1.  I take no credit for making any of these videos - all credit and rights go to the creators and song artists 
2. These videos are in no way ranked, they are all personal favorites
3. This list includes videos set to mixes, AMV's and MAD's
4. This list includes both animes series and films
5. SPOILERS - Watch at your own discretion 
6. Enjoy!

1. Romance AMV - Falling in Love
Song: Madza - Falling in Love // Vocals: Alan Wats
Anime: Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou, Kimi ni Todoke, Nerawareta Gakuen, Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun, Nisekoi, Kaichou Wa Maid-sama, Mayo Chiki!, Toradora!, Hotarubi no Mori e, Sword Art Online, Hyouya, Bokura ga Ita & Byosouku 5 Centimeter

When I first came across this video, I thought it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Over six months later, that feeling hasn't changed and I've now seen over half of the animes used in it, along with a few others currently in progress. The beauty of this video particularly lies in its music/vocals and sequencing. The soft, lilting melody gives the video a weightless feeling that adds to the romantic tones much of it is set to. Additionally, a speech by British philosopher Alan Wats about love and what it means to fall in love is added, enhancing the videos overall beauty while making and stating some very true points about love. But what makes this video really beautiful is how each animes scenes are put together and timed to form one seamless three minutes and fifty-three seconds of pure bliss. The timing of each scene set to music is brilliant, and after watching this video many time, I can't see it being set any other way. Simply put, this video is truly a masterpiece.  

2. You Can Be King Again
Song: King - Lauren Aquilina
Anime: Hotarubi no mori e

This anime film is one I still have yet to see. While the videos does contain spoilers of its ending, the video overall is extremely well done in its editing and setting of song choice. It can be hard to make videos with films as opposed to series due to the fact that the film covers the entire plot as opposed to a series, which breaks things up into smaller pieces and can make editing this kind of video extremely difficult. Where do you put the important shots? How does it relate to the song choice? These are all things video creators must think about and it can be hard to do an anime film justice in such a way. This video however is beautiful, perfectly setting this anime with a song that sends a message of empowerment and reminder that we should always be grateful for what we have here and now. After re-discovering the video for this post, I may finally watch it tonight. 

3. Howl x Sophie [I Will Always Love You]
Song: Gift to You - Jo Blankenburg
Anime: How's Moving Castle

Set to my favorite Studio Ghibli & Hayou Miyasaki movie of all time, How's Moving Castle, the true power behind this video lies in its musical choice and the musical buildup that happens as the video goes on. The scenes begin simple following along with the single melody, but as the piano intensifies and strings are added, the video blossoms into something completely new. The scenes become shorter and focus more on the romantic moments between Howl and Sophie as the music continues to build to its climax at 1:30 as the two walk over the hill together. Additionally, 2:21 to the end of this video is stunning as the music returns to its single melody and we see scenes of the mountains and perhaps the most beautiful moment between Howl and Sophie. This will always be one of my favorite anime couples, just as it will always be my favorite Miyasaki movie.

4. Death Note - Dance With the Devil [AMV]
Song: Dance with the Devil - Breaking Benjamin
Anime: Deathnote

This AMV can be perfectly summed up in one word: EPIC. Taking a more literal approach, this video takes everything remarkable about Deathnote and amplifies it tenfold. I hadn't come across as well done a video set to this song since discovering one set to scenes from the film version of Arther Miller's famous play The Crucible, and when I first came across it, I had to to watch it again just to make sure I caught everything. My favorite anime of all time, this video is the ultimate tribute to Deathnote and all that it is and stands for. Set to the perfect song, this video takes its hard rock edges and merges it with the best psychological thriller anime of all time. Its fast paced setting and perfectly edited scenes makes this video a joy to watch, and every time I see it, I want to watch Deathnote all over again and relive each of its dark twists and turns.

5. [MAD] Love is A Beautiful Pain - Endless Tears
Song: Endless Tears by Cliff Edge ft. Maiko Nakamura
Anime: 30+ (See video description for full list)

If you're an anime fan, you've probably seen this video. With over 30,000,000 views, this video takes well over thirty different animes and throws them all together for one heck of a remix. With so much happening from beginning to end, it's hard to process everything in one take and watching this video multiple times over only makes it more and more beautiful. The song choice is excellent and most scenes are perfectly set and timed to pivotal music moments, especially for the videos ending moments and when the refrain of "I Love You" is repeatedly sung. This video is a classic, and if you haven't already seen it, you really should. 

6. Grell Sutcliff - A Butler to Die For
Song: Shinkou (Grell Sutcliff Character Song)
Anime: Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler)

A perfect video for the most deadly efficient reaper of all time - Grell Sutcliff. This video and song is the perfect character representation and captures everything that makes Grell Grell, shinning in its editing and added effects to the series already well animated scenes. Interestingly enough, it was this video that made me finally decide to attend my first anime convention this March, as well as cosplay for the first time as none other than Grell Sutcliff himself. For any Black Butler or Grell fan, this video is an absolute must see for your favorite red reaper.

7. Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso AMV - This Song Saved My Life
Song: This Song Saved My Life - Simples Plan
Anime: Your Lie in April

Being a musician, this video is extremely personal and emotional. We go through so much just to be heard and remembered, and many times we question why what we're doing is worth it and why it should matter. This song and anime is a perfect combination, taking everything about what it means to be a musician and showing both its struggles and its payoffs. Just as the anime Your Lie in April tells us, we live for that moment on the stage when all of our hard work comes together into one beautiful presentation of our heart and soul, and we lose ourselves in the power and beauty of the music around us.

8. Always Love You
Song: Awakened - Ian Mcintosh
Anime: 25+ (See end of video for full list)

This video is so well done it's ridiculous. Watching this video always makes me experience something different and evokes emotions that I never thought possible. Taking each anime and setting it to this minimalist yet powerful song, this video shows that all kinds of people fall in love and that love is something that everyone can find. The video also shows both the good and sometimes difficult sides of love and how a relationship can impact a person so dramatically. All in all, this video is a wonderful representation of love found in anime and is a reminder that I will always love you.

9. Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler) Say Something AMV
Song: Say Something ft. Christine Aguilera 
Anime: Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler)

This video gave me a whole new take on the relationship between Ciel and his demonic butler Sebastian. I at first was confused by the song choice, but the more I watched the more it grew on me and I began to see how the song made a lot of sense with the concepts explored in Kuroshitsuji. While this video is most powerful when the scenes perfectly line up with the songs lyrics, the video as a whole is a wonderful showing of the pair one step away from somewhat of a romantic relationship and having many beautiful moments, especially from 2:28 to 2:40. A comedic yet dark toned anime, this AMV makes the list of videos that has both strongly resonated with and made me cry.

Song: Talk Dirty to Me - Jason Derulo
Anime: Uta no Prince Sama, Kamigami No Asobi, Guilty Crown, Hakkenden Touhou Ibun, Free, Brothers Conflict, Durarara, Kukuro no Basuke, Macross Frontier, Meganebu, Kuroshitsuji, Kill la Kill, Diabolik Lovers, Cuticle Tantei Inaba & Tonari No Kaibutsu-kun

That is all.

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