Saturday, January 23, 2016

He Love Me, He Loves Me Not - Live, Love Anime: Part VIIII

Video: Noragami Original Opening

God of Calamity Yato has always wanted a shrine to call his own, but due to financial circumstances is unable to build one. To see this dream come true, Yato offers his services to those on the Near Shore, otherwise known as the human world, for five yen per job. When Yato one day is performing a job on the Near Shore, he saves a young human girl named Hiori from getting hit by a bus. Thankful, yet unsure of how she survived, Hiori returns to her normal life until she discovers that she has the ability to leave her human body and see Phantoms that plague the city. But for the human world to be safe these Phantoms must be destroyed and only Gods, such as Yato, have the power to do so.

Why I began this series: I had heard many great things about Noragami and that it was currently still airing its second season. Due to its high popularity and substantial fan base, I decided to start it.

What I liked about the series: For some reason, I find it hard to sum up my enjoyment of Noragami in words. There were many aspects of Noragami that I both particularly enjoyed and found very different from many of the other animes I've seen thus far. The first was its concepts: while its Gods vs. Deamons (or in this case Phantoms) was not particularly new anime material, the way Noragami centered on it through its characters and other plot lines was very well done. Throughout the series, its characters were extremely well developed in addition to being both relatable and memorable from beginning to end. What I found most enjoyable however about Noragami were the personalities of these characters and how these personalities affected the series tone from episode to episode. I particularly loved the series frequent comic elements, mainly provided by Yato and his regalia Yukine, and how their placement made watching the series both easier and more enjoyable. Additionally, the English Dub for the series was near perfection and the opening theme song was and still is extremely catchy.

What I didn't like about the series: The only main issues I found with Noragami was its beginning pacing and introduction to some of its characters. It took me a few episodes to really get into Noragami, but once I did I was in it until the end.

It's an odd one, Noragami, but I've often found those kinds of things to be the most wonderful. I would recommend it to every anime fan as it is a series that will both leave you wanting more and a series you should see just for the sake to have seen it.

Kimi ni Todoke (2010)
Video: Kimi ni Todoke Original Opening

Sawako has always had trouble making friends due to her "scary" name and appearance that somewhat resembles a monster in a popular Japanese movie. To make things worse rumors have spread around school, saying that if they look or speak to Sawako you will be cursed for eternity. When Sawako one day helps a young boy named Kazehaya find the High School her life is turned upside down, as she makes her first friends. Sawako is thrilled to have made friends, but is shocked when she discovers Kazehaya is the newest member of their class. In just a few days Sawako has made friends and spoken to a boy, but as time goes on and Sawako learns what friends do, will romantic feelings bloom between Sawako and Kazehaya?    

Why I began this series: I started this series a while ago but had put it aside eight episodes in. Having recently decided to finish up all shows on my "In Process" list, Kimi ni Todoke was the first one I wanted to finally complete. And now, I have.

What I liked about the series: I am a sucker for Anime Romantic Comedies, and Kimi ni Todoke is a perfect example of an anime Rom-Com done right. What originally drew me into the series was its simple story line, its characters, its voice actors and especially its unique animation. The series overall focuses on the subtle yet budding romance between Sadako and Kazehaya, as the two go about their everyday lives inside and out of school. Things are made even more interesting when Sadako makes her very first friends and starts to learn and realize that she doesn't have to be alone and that life can be fun. Perhaps the series simple plot and incredibly relatable story line is what made Kimi ni Todoke so enjoyable from start to finish, alongside its incredibly memorable and distinct characters. With the exception of one particular character, I fell in love with the entire cast of the series and found myself many times either rooting for or yelling at the characters as situations arose. The other two factors that drew me in were its Japanese voice cast and the series overall look and animation. I have not seen many animes in the original Japanese but I cannot imagine Kimi ni Todoke done any other way. The voice cast was simply brilliant, with each voice perfectly fitting the character and bringing both the romantic and comedic elements of the series to life. Also brilliant and different was its animation, very raw and simple instead of the usual "high definition" animation I am used to seeing.

What I didn't like about the series: The only thing with the series that I took issue with was its pacing. While anime Rom-Coms are not the fastest paced series and their slower pacing is used for immense amounts of character development, Kimi ni Todoke many times felt very, very slow.

Kimi ni Todoke is a classic, and I would highly recommend it to any anime Rom-Com lover

Snow White with the Red Hair (2015)
Video: Snow White with the Red Hair Original Opening

Once upon a time, there lived a young girl named Shirayuki who lived in the kingdom of Tonburn. Known for her blood red hair and post as an herbalist, Shirayuki spent her days creating remedies and medicines for her fellow commoners with illnesses and ailments. When Shirayuki one day is scouted out as a possible wife for the selfish Prince of Tonburn, Shirayuki flees her country and travels to a neighboring kingdom. The following day, Shirayuki unexpectedly meets a young man named Zen who offers his help in her travels. Lost and alone in a distant country Shirayuki accepts Zens help, but is there more that meets the eye and will Shirayuki's destiny be forever changed by their meeting?

Why I began this series: I had been looking through KissAnime's lists of series, and found Snow White with the Red Hair. The next day, I found the first four episodes Dubbed and I began it right away.

What I liked about this series: This was my first true dive into Fantasy anime, and I loved it. From the series story, to its characters and its animation I was immediately immersed in its magical realm. A story just somewhat similar to Snow White, Snow White with the Red Hair took everything I was expecting and turned it on its head in a beautiful new way. It's simply story and focus on its characters made this fantasy one I couldn't wait to see more of and a series that I would fall deeply in love with. The shinning star of the series however is its characters - all starting with its spunky female heroine, Shirayuki. In many anime series the female leads either are not strong or particularly independent and end up relying on the male protagonist to help or "save" them, but this was is no way the case for Snow White and the Red Hair. Shirayuki is one of if not the best anime female role models I've encountered in quite some time and her attitude and actions made her memorable and reminded me of myself in some ways. Opposite Shirayuki, Zen was another character I fell for both in looks and personality. The two as a pair seemed unstoppable and I quickly found myself rooting for them throughout the entire series. Additionally, the supporting cast made lasting impressions and added much to the series as a whole. Since Snow White with the Red Hair is a Fantasy anime, it goes without saying that its animation was simply beautiful and an anime I could look and get lost in for hours on end.

What I didn't like about the series: Absolutely nothing - this series was pure bliss

Snow White with the Red Hair is an incredible, romantic, fresh anime that has become a new favorite. I would highly recommend it to all anime fans, especially those who love a wonderful love story.

Hotarubi no Mori e
Video: Hotarubi no Mori e Trailer

When a young girl one day becomes lost in the forest, a strange spirit comes to her aid. As the girl reaches out to him, his face hidden by a mask, the spirit explains that no human can touch him or he will disappear forever. The two agree never to touch and the girl decides that each summer as she comes to visit her uncle they will see each other. Years go by, and the young girl and spirit grow closer, still having never touched each other. But their friendship and happiness hangs in the balance, both knowing that one day, Gin will finally disappear. Forever.

Why I watched this: I had been meaning to watch this movie for a while, and I finally did it.

What I liked about it: While this film was very low key, the points made were beautiful. First, relationships do not have to be based on physicality. Second, love is natural; something that grows over time and cannot be forced. Third, beauty can be found in all things. And finally, love will conquer all things. This films message was beautiful, and left me in many, many tears.

What I didn't like about it: The only two things I wish this film had was a well done English Dub and a longer run time. If it had been longer, the two main characters could have grown more and the pacing of the film might have been better overall.

An extremely beautiful film that will leave you in tears, I highly recommend it.

Top 10 Anime YouTube Videos

Since getting big into anime, I'm always on the lookout for the perfect Anime YouTube video. It can be hard to take an anime and set it to a song popular today that makes sense with the series and elevates its animation to a whole other level. However, if you can find a video that does this right, the result is incredible. Of my current YouTube "Favorites" playlist, I have selected my top ten favorite Anime Videos that I have come across thus far. These videos include everything from romance, to epicness and even fan service, but each was selected due to their individual qualities and their overall impact as a viewer. 

1.  I take no credit for making any of these videos - all credit and rights go to the creators and song artists 
2. These videos are in no way ranked, they are all personal favorites
3. This list includes videos set to mixes, AMV's and MAD's
4. This list includes both animes series and films
5. SPOILERS - Watch at your own discretion 
6. Enjoy!

1. Romance AMV - Falling in Love
Song: Madza - Falling in Love // Vocals: Alan Wats
Anime: Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou, Kimi ni Todoke, Nerawareta Gakuen, Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun, Nisekoi, Kaichou Wa Maid-sama, Mayo Chiki!, Toradora!, Hotarubi no Mori e, Sword Art Online, Hyouya, Bokura ga Ita & Byosouku 5 Centimeter

When I first came across this video, I thought it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Over six months later, that feeling hasn't changed and I've now seen over half of the animes used in it, along with a few others currently in progress. The beauty of this video particularly lies in its music/vocals and sequencing. The soft, lilting melody gives the video a weightless feeling that adds to the romantic tones much of it is set to. Additionally, a speech by British philosopher Alan Wats about love and what it means to fall in love is added, enhancing the videos overall beauty while making and stating some very true points about love. But what makes this video really beautiful is how each animes scenes are put together and timed to form one seamless three minutes and fifty-three seconds of pure bliss. The timing of each scene set to music is brilliant, and after watching this video many time, I can't see it being set any other way. Simply put, this video is truly a masterpiece.  

2. You Can Be King Again
Song: King - Lauren Aquilina
Anime: Hotarubi no mori e

This anime film is one I still have yet to see. While the videos does contain spoilers of its ending, the video overall is extremely well done in its editing and setting of song choice. It can be hard to make videos with films as opposed to series due to the fact that the film covers the entire plot as opposed to a series, which breaks things up into smaller pieces and can make editing this kind of video extremely difficult. Where do you put the important shots? How does it relate to the song choice? These are all things video creators must think about and it can be hard to do an anime film justice in such a way. This video however is beautiful, perfectly setting this anime with a song that sends a message of empowerment and reminder that we should always be grateful for what we have here and now. After re-discovering the video for this post, I may finally watch it tonight. 

3. Howl x Sophie [I Will Always Love You]
Song: Gift to You - Jo Blankenburg
Anime: How's Moving Castle

Set to my favorite Studio Ghibli & Hayou Miyasaki movie of all time, How's Moving Castle, the true power behind this video lies in its musical choice and the musical buildup that happens as the video goes on. The scenes begin simple following along with the single melody, but as the piano intensifies and strings are added, the video blossoms into something completely new. The scenes become shorter and focus more on the romantic moments between Howl and Sophie as the music continues to build to its climax at 1:30 as the two walk over the hill together. Additionally, 2:21 to the end of this video is stunning as the music returns to its single melody and we see scenes of the mountains and perhaps the most beautiful moment between Howl and Sophie. This will always be one of my favorite anime couples, just as it will always be my favorite Miyasaki movie.

4. Death Note - Dance With the Devil [AMV]
Song: Dance with the Devil - Breaking Benjamin
Anime: Deathnote

This AMV can be perfectly summed up in one word: EPIC. Taking a more literal approach, this video takes everything remarkable about Deathnote and amplifies it tenfold. I hadn't come across as well done a video set to this song since discovering one set to scenes from the film version of Arther Miller's famous play The Crucible, and when I first came across it, I had to to watch it again just to make sure I caught everything. My favorite anime of all time, this video is the ultimate tribute to Deathnote and all that it is and stands for. Set to the perfect song, this video takes its hard rock edges and merges it with the best psychological thriller anime of all time. Its fast paced setting and perfectly edited scenes makes this video a joy to watch, and every time I see it, I want to watch Deathnote all over again and relive each of its dark twists and turns.

5. [MAD] Love is A Beautiful Pain - Endless Tears
Song: Endless Tears by Cliff Edge ft. Maiko Nakamura
Anime: 30+ (See video description for full list)

If you're an anime fan, you've probably seen this video. With over 30,000,000 views, this video takes well over thirty different animes and throws them all together for one heck of a remix. With so much happening from beginning to end, it's hard to process everything in one take and watching this video multiple times over only makes it more and more beautiful. The song choice is excellent and most scenes are perfectly set and timed to pivotal music moments, especially for the videos ending moments and when the refrain of "I Love You" is repeatedly sung. This video is a classic, and if you haven't already seen it, you really should. 

6. Grell Sutcliff - A Butler to Die For
Song: Shinkou (Grell Sutcliff Character Song)
Anime: Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler)

A perfect video for the most deadly efficient reaper of all time - Grell Sutcliff. This video and song is the perfect character representation and captures everything that makes Grell Grell, shinning in its editing and added effects to the series already well animated scenes. Interestingly enough, it was this video that made me finally decide to attend my first anime convention this March, as well as cosplay for the first time as none other than Grell Sutcliff himself. For any Black Butler or Grell fan, this video is an absolute must see for your favorite red reaper.

7. Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso AMV - This Song Saved My Life
Song: This Song Saved My Life - Simples Plan
Anime: Your Lie in April

Being a musician, this video is extremely personal and emotional. We go through so much just to be heard and remembered, and many times we question why what we're doing is worth it and why it should matter. This song and anime is a perfect combination, taking everything about what it means to be a musician and showing both its struggles and its payoffs. Just as the anime Your Lie in April tells us, we live for that moment on the stage when all of our hard work comes together into one beautiful presentation of our heart and soul, and we lose ourselves in the power and beauty of the music around us.

8. Always Love You
Song: Awakened - Ian Mcintosh
Anime: 25+ (See end of video for full list)

This video is so well done it's ridiculous. Watching this video always makes me experience something different and evokes emotions that I never thought possible. Taking each anime and setting it to this minimalist yet powerful song, this video shows that all kinds of people fall in love and that love is something that everyone can find. The video also shows both the good and sometimes difficult sides of love and how a relationship can impact a person so dramatically. All in all, this video is a wonderful representation of love found in anime and is a reminder that I will always love you.

9. Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler) Say Something AMV
Song: Say Something ft. Christine Aguilera 
Anime: Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler)

This video gave me a whole new take on the relationship between Ciel and his demonic butler Sebastian. I at first was confused by the song choice, but the more I watched the more it grew on me and I began to see how the song made a lot of sense with the concepts explored in Kuroshitsuji. While this video is most powerful when the scenes perfectly line up with the songs lyrics, the video as a whole is a wonderful showing of the pair one step away from somewhat of a romantic relationship and having many beautiful moments, especially from 2:28 to 2:40. A comedic yet dark toned anime, this AMV makes the list of videos that has both strongly resonated with and made me cry.

Song: Talk Dirty to Me - Jason Derulo
Anime: Uta no Prince Sama, Kamigami No Asobi, Guilty Crown, Hakkenden Touhou Ibun, Free, Brothers Conflict, Durarara, Kukuro no Basuke, Macross Frontier, Meganebu, Kuroshitsuji, Kill la Kill, Diabolik Lovers, Cuticle Tantei Inaba & Tonari No Kaibutsu-kun

That is all.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Who Can Say What is Truly Evil - Live, Love Anime: Part VIII

Shiki (2010)
Video: Shiki - Opening 2

Welcome to Sotoba: a small populated, isolated town in Japan where everyone knows everything about everybody. The town is abuzz with news that a new family, the Kirishiki's, has moved into the renovated mansion on the hill, and what's stranger, they moved in in the middle of the night. Furthermore, the only thing the town seems to know about the Kirishiki's is the fact that the mother and daughter share a common medical condition that forbids them to be in the sunlight. Shortly after Kirishiki's arrive however, residents of Sotoba begin dying and showing symptoms of an epidemic that not even Sotoba's renowned Dr. Ozaki can understand or cure. Sotoba, the Kirishiki's, an epidemic, death - does it somehow all connect, and is it true that Sotoba residents have seen the dead victims of this epidemic roaming the streets at night?

Why I began this series: Interestingly enough, I came across Shiki on YouTube during a review by one of my favorite anime reviewers, Glass Reflection. I did not watch the entire review however, as after the first few minutes the series peeked my interest enough for me to find and watch it myself. Needless to say, I in no way was prepared for what I was about to watch, nor how emotional and obsessed with Shiki I would become.

What I liked about this series: I LOVED THIS SERIES! Before I even review Shiki, it's worth saying that Shiki definitely makes my Top 10 Anime of All Time List, joining other personal favorites, such as Deathnote, Code Geass, Kuroshitsuji, Your Lie in April and Death Parade. A mystery anime with horror elements, Shiki was a psychological, emotional and whirlwind thrill from beginning to end, set up with great characters, a story that constantly kept me on the edge of my seat and a whole new take on a type of creature that I have found to be one of the hardest to successfully pull off in anime: vampires. But let's start at the beginning with Shiki's characters. A cast of many, the characters of Shiki were incredibly unique as the series followed the story through the eyes of the different Sotoba residents. Seeing the story from all these perspectives was both incredibly intriguing and interesting, especially as the town discovers that what they are dealing with is not an epidemic at all, but their own loved ones who have risen up from the dead and are now vampires. Because each character was so unique and was given a specific purpose for the series, I found myself liking almost every single character and whenever something bad would happen to any one of them, I would find myself either yelling profusely at the screen or crying my eyes out. Hand in hand with its characters, the plot and concepts explored through Shiki were incredible. The simple concept of the series is Vampires, but as the series continues and we see how these ordinary humans are transformed and what kind of lives they lead now as these creatures, brings us to the ultimate question in the series: who is truly evil? It's true that vampires must feed on human blood to survive, but do they really want to kill? And what about the humans - the ones who are committing numerous murder against the vampires to save their town - is that truly evil? These kinds of questions are what made Shiki such a thrill and heart-wrencher to watch, and now the series is over, I still don't know who was right and who was wrong. The plot additionally took turns that I was in no way prepared to see or handle emotionally, making the entire situation of Sotoba that much harder to watch. Other elements of this series however were equally as well done, such as the soundtrack, animation and English Dub. The soundtrack was eerie without completely overpowering the story of the series, adding just the right amount of creepiness its already dark outlook. Similarly, some of the animation used for the corpse demons was awesome, especially the variety of Shiki eyes and the various ways the Shiki are killed off by the rest of the Sotoba residents. And finally, there's is the English dub, which was fabulous (and I'm not just saying that because it has J Michael Tatum). The Dub all around was one of the best I've come across with every voice fitting its character perfectly, something that not every anime is able to successfully accomplish.     
What I didn't like about this series: The only thing that bother me with Shiki was its pacing for the first half of the series. Some episodes seemed long and extremely drawn out, but since the plot does not take off until the second half it is understandable why the first ten or so episodes felt this way. This fact however does not change my overall opinion on the series. 

Some regard Shiki as a masterpiece, and I would have to agree. It is something remarkable and a definite must see for any anime fan.

The World God Only Knows (2010)
Video: The World God Only Knows Original Opening

Keima Katsuragi doesn't have any interest in reality, but rather all that resides in the virtual world. Always staring at his portable PFP game console, Katsuragi is known in the gaming world as "The God of Conquest", famous for wooing an infinite number of virtual heroins. When Katsuragi one day receives a strange in game message challenging his title Katsuragi vows to prove that he is the ultimate gaming God and accepts, unaware that he has just made a contract with a demon. Katsuragi must now work with the demon girl, Elise, to collect lose souls that have escaped from Hell and now reside in humans to complete his contract. But the humans these souls reside in are not quite Katsuragi's forte: real girls.

Why I began this series: This series had also been on my 'To See' list for quite some time, and after just finishing Shiki I wanted something a bit more lighthearted and comedic, thus I began The World God Only Knows.

What I liked about this series: I surprisingly enjoyed this series more than I expected. At the start I wasn't sure how I felt about it, but as I kept watching it grew on me. I grew to especially like the main protagonist, Katsuragi, though he was always either buried in his games or relating the real world to games. But the thing I enjoyed most about this series was the fact that I didn't have to "think" while watching. Watching with the English Dub, I could do other things while completely being able to follow along with the story and laugh at the characters in their various situations. This kind of mindlessness was a nice change from Shiki and made the series both very relaxing and fun.

What I didn't like about this series: Unlike many of my other reviews, most of my negatives about The World God Only Knows comes from my personal taste. I wasn't ever completely sold on the story line or some of the characters, such as Elsie or some of the girls that Katsuragi is forced to woo. Because the plot line never changes, the series wasn't given anywhere to go and it sometimes felt stuck and stagnant. Additionally, there was no opportunity for Katsuragi to grow as a character because his situation and opinions never changed. Then there are the various girls of the series, most of which I was not particularly fond of.  

I liked The World God Only Knows and am very glad to have seen it, and while I have already seen its second season, I am not sure yet if I will continue onto its third. Everything aside, The World God Only Knows is a very different anime that I would recommend if you are able to forgo a few outward, prominent flaws.

DuRaRaRa!! x2 - Arc 1 (2015)
Video: DuRaRaRa!! x2 - Arc 1 Original Opening

Still home various gangs, Ikebukaro has turned into a quiet city. The largest gang to date, 'The Dollars', still control much of the city, 'The Yellow Scarves' have quieted down and 'The Blue Squares' remain simply rumors. Through it all, the Black Rider still remains a legend performing jobs throughout the city and Izaya continues to scheme with Shizuo hot on his trail. Since 'The Dollars' initiation, things seem to have quieted down - but it can't stay this way for long.

Why I began this series: I really wanted to continue Durarara!! after finishing its first season, and when I saw DuRaRaRa x2 on Netflix I jumped at the chance to continue.

What I liked about the series: The thing I most enjoy about the Durarara series is its characters, and this first arc of DuRaRaRa x2 excelled in the exploration, detail and involvement of its characters. With a more relaxed overall plot line, this first arc allowed its characters to flourish and help further show and explain each characters personality and decisions, ultimately bringing to light their interior and exterior motives. While the plot was nothing incredible remarkable or special, the way this arc handled its characters was quite enjoyable and made this series one I will definitely continue on with.

What I didn't like about the series: Since this arc focuses so prominently on its characters, the over all plot feels somewhat lackluster and at times seemed slow and dull. If some of the plot holes were filled in through the arc, it would have been a much more easy and enjoyable watch.

As DuRaRaRa x2 continues, I am excited to see where the series goes and look forward to the next time I encounter either Izaya Orihara or Shizuo Heiwajima.

Plastic Memories (2015)
Video: Plastic Memories Original Opening

In a futuristic time, humans now live alongside androids otherwise known as "Giftas", who look, feel and have memories just as humans do. With a lifespan of just under 10 years, each Gifta must be retrieved by those employed at the Terminal Service who are in charge of retrieval and the erasing of each Giftas personality and memories. When young Tsukasa finds himself working at Terminal Service at the request of his father he is eager to start his new job, unaware of what it entails. He then learns that each human worker is paired with a Gifta for retrievals and other jobs and that he is to work with Isla, a Gifta whose only real talent lies in the making of tea. Paired with Isla, Tsukasa must quickly learn his duties as a member of Terminal Service, but along the way, will his own emotions for the job and for Isla be to much to bear?

Why I began the series: I had been meaning to watch this series and decided to watch it on a whim, and I'm so glad I did.

What I liked about the series: Because this short series contains too many spoilers for a full length review, it is simplest to say that this series was just stunning. From its plot, to its characters, its soundtrack and animation, this series was one of the best I have ever seen. Everything about the series was memorable and it evoked emotions that I haven't experienced since Clannad & Clannad: After Story. If you either haven't seen Plastic Memories or loved the Clannad series, then this is the series for you.

What I didn't like about the series: There was nothing about this show that I did not like or care for. The only thing I would hope for in the next few years would be an English Dub, with a cast that is able to blow me away all over again.

Plastic Memories is a must see - if you haven't seen it yet, go watch it. You will not be disappointed.

For my next few reviews, I will be working through my 'In Process' list which has grown too large in the last few months. Until then, viva la anime!

Review: 'Death Becomes Her' (2024) - Chicago's Latest Broadway-Bound Musical Excels, Amidst Necessary Tweaking

Overall Rating: Looking for a nostalgic yet entirely new musical with all the glitz, camp, and dark humor of the 1990's? Then look no fu...