Sunday, August 30, 2015

Black & White - Akuma no Tenshi, Tenshi no Akuma

Black & White - Akuma no Tenshi, Tenshi no Akuma

Black & White Trailer

Why is the world dived into two different parts: this is ultimate question of Black & White


In an unknown time, angels and demons were created to balance the world. Created in the same image and labeled with a five digit code number, angels of white strive to bring peace to the world while demons of black seek to bring havoc and destruction. This is how it always has been, until one day something strange happens - Kuro, and angel of black and Shiro, a demon of white are born and both labeled 18782.

Above: Kuro (Takuya) in The realm of the Angels

Above: Shiro (Dori) in The realm of the Demons

The angels seek to spread messages of peace and live pure "white" lives. Though a black Kuro tries his hardest to be like his fellow white angels, but the angels ignore Kuro and cast him aside. Opposite the angels, demons seek to cause trouble and make the world a "blacker" place. Like Kuro, the white demon Shiro tries to be as cold hearted as his fellow demons but cannot stand his ground. When during daily training Shiro refuses to kill and collect the souls from captured humans, the demons shame him and refer to him as "unwanted guy" (an alternate Japanese pronunciation of his label 18782). Feeling alone and about to follow the others, Shiro comes across an abandoned videotape lying on the ground. Nervous but curious, Shiro decides to play the tape and is shocked to discover that it is a "How To Make Friends" video with various episodes on how to make and keep friends. Having never heard of or had a friend before, Shiro becomes enveloped in the concept of friends and decides to run away from the realm of the demons to find himself one of these "friends".

Above: The Treasure Hunter studies the blue-red jewel known as the Blue Garnett

Kuro sits alone in the realm of the angels until a strange man suddenly appears to him. After explaining that he is an angel, the man tells Kuro that he is a treasure hunter and been searching for the five blue-red jewels known as the Blue Garnetts and that once all five are collected the jewels grant the collector one wish. The treasure hunter appeals to Kuro to find the four remaining jewels in his place and wish to revive him and in exchange, he will tell Kuro how to become a white angel. Kuro agrees and sets off to find the Blue Garnetts until he is suddenly interrupted by a swarm of angels who attempt to capture him, while at the same time Shiro is being perused by the demons. Having lost their respective parties, Kuro and Shiro accidentally bump into each other and Shiro quickly explains that although he is white he is actually a demon and known as "unwanted guy". Kuro tries to leave but is stopped by Shiro who suddenly asks to become friends. Kuro shows no interest and angrily leaves to find the remaining four jewels with Shiro close behind singing what he calls "the friend song".

Kuro and Shiro travel to the first world where the next Blue Garnett is hiden, The World of Contradiction. The holders of the jewel, the Okama roses, appear and explain how they abide by the laws of contradiction and use dance to explain themselves. With Shiro close behind, Kuro arrives in the world and quickly orders the roses to hand over the jewel. They agree to do this, but only if Kuro and Shiro are able to move them through dance. The roses then give both Kuro and Shiro various, strange themes to which they must dance to in order to obtain the jewels. Kuro and Shiro endure the roses demands until they are satisfied and willingly hand over the jewel. With three jewels left to collect Kuro and Shiro head to the next world.

Above: Kuro (Takuya) and Shiro (Dori) on their journey to find the Blue Garnetts

The next Blue Garnett resides in The World of Repulsion. Kuro and Shiro arrive in this world to find themselves surrounded by magnets and stuck together unable to separate. The pair quickly learn that they can be seperated and put back together by a throw of the switchbox and explain that they are collecting the Blue Garnett jewels. Having never heard of the Blue Garnett, the magnets state that such a jewel does not exist but adamant it must be there Kuro persists. He is finally granted permission to search for the jewel if he is able to defy the laws of repulsion and separate the magnet poles. After learning that certain rhythms are what can do this, Kuro and Shiro begin dancing and successfully separate the magnets. Kuro desperately searches for the jewel and comes to the switch box, which he destroys to find the Blue Garnett inside. As the two prepare to leave the world of magnets and continue their search, Shiro nags Kuro once more about becoming friends and begins singing the "Friend Song" from the video. Kuro becomes angry, casts Shiro aside and continues to the next world. Shiro takes this opportunity to watch more of his video and learn of other ways to make and keep friends before running after Kuro.

Kuro and Shiro arrive in the third world after hiding from their respective groups who are relentlessly searching for them. Having arrived in third world, The World of Language, the two meet a being who agrees to give over the Blue Garnett if they can impress him with backwards language. Kuro refuses to take part and attempts to steal the jewel but is ultimately unsuccessful. Wanting to help his friend, Shiro steps in and holds an elaborate conversation of backwards language with the being until he hands over the jewel. Shiro runs to Kuro and hands over the jewel stating that he would do anything for a friend. Kuro takes it and the two continue to the next world.

With only one jewel left to collect, Shiro becomes excited that the friendship he has with Kuro will become stronger once they have completed their task. He starts the video and breaks into the "friend song" which irritates Kuro to such an extant that he rips the tape out of the player and destroys it. Horrified, Shiro calls Kuro a demon and frantically tries to fix the tape and attempts to watch once more, though it no longer runs properly. Shiro watches what is left of the video, reminisces about his life as a demon and the number he has been cursed with before following Shiro to the final world.

Kuro arrives alone in the next world and finds himself among a group of mushrooms playing games. Kuro joins in and cheats hoping to obtain the final jewel quickly and without much embarrassment. Just when he thinks he has won, the mushrooms suddenly disappear and Kuro finds his hands bound and surrounded by angels. Realizing that he has been tricked, Kuro is left guarded for the night and all is quiet until the treasure hunter appears once more. After dispensing of the guards, the hunter brings Shiro to Kuro who begs him to set him free which Shiro agrees to only if he and Kuro will become friends. Kuro reluctantly agrees and Shiro sets him free, but the angels reappear and capture Kuro once more. Desperate to save his friend Shiro finds a knife in his hand (put there by the invisible treasure hunter) and attacks one the angels holding Shiro hostage. Wounding him, the rest of the angels draw their weapons and prepare to strike Shiro, as the angelic leader reminds Shiro that his action technically would be considered an act of war. Left alone once more, Shiro insistently asks Kuro if they have finally become friends. As they prepare to travel to the final world Kuro tells Shiro that if they did become friends he would sing such a stupid song (referring to the "Friend Song").

The final Blue Garnett resides in The World of Light. Kuro and Shiro comes across a blind man playing the Japanese game Otello, a game where black can become white and white can become black. Seeing that he is blind, Shiro offers to steal the jewel for Kuro but upon trying to do so the man reveals that he is not blind after all. The man questions why an angel and demon are together and states that he will not hand over the Blue Garnett while he is alive. Knowing this is the last jewel in order to make a wish, Kuro attempts to steal the jewel several times but is never able to obtain it. Enjoying the games, the man suddenly tells Kuro and Shiro to add their numbers together, 18782+18782. 37564 = Minagoroshi or Kill Everyone. The man laughs and states that the two of them should have never met and they will be what destroys the world. Once more, anger overwhelms Shiro and he uses his knife to attack the man. Having lost all strength in his hand the man drops the jewel and Shiro is able to grab it before the man can react. He apologizes for causing the man pain before throwing him into the darkness.

Above: Kuro (Takuya) holds Shiro (Dori) in his arms

Shiro rushes to Kuro with the final jewel exclaiming that he would do anything for his friend. In shock that he can now change the world, Kuro is surprised to see that Shiro has fallen to the ground saying that he suddenly feels tired. When Shiro stops moving, Kuro begins to panic until the treasure hunter reappears and admits that he forgot to share one piece of information with Kuro regarding the jewels. He explains that in exchange for being granted a wish the collector will lose something important. When Kuro suddenly realizes that this "something important" is Shiro himself, he rushes to his side. Knowing he is about to die Shiro asks Kuro to sing, and Kuro holds Shiro while singing the "friend song" until Shiro dies in his arms. The treasure hunter addresses Kuro once more saying that it is time to make his wish. Kuro arranges the jewels accordingly and makes his wish - "revive my first friend". The hunter attempts to change Kuro's mind but Kuro refuses and wishes once more for Shiro to be revived. The treasure hunter threatens Kuro and reveals that his name is Yagimo, a being who is always up to no good in the human world and the one who wants the power to destroy all who oppose him. Kuro calls Yagimo trash as Yagimo vanishes and the jewels glow brighter. Shiro suddenly sits up and sees that Kuro is crying and the jewels have gone dark. Realizing that Kuro used his wish to revive him, Shiro asks if he and Kuro have finally become friends.

Above: Kuro and Shiro become surrounded by the Angels and Demons

Before Kuro can answer the angels and demons appear bearing weapons. Yagimo makes one final appearance and explains that because of Kuro and Shiro a war between angels and demons has begun and nothing can stop it. Kuro and Shiro run dodging angels and demons alike, before finally be cornered by both groups. The leaders explain that Kuro and Shiro are said to be part of the legend that kills everyone and the only way to end the war between angels and demons is to eliminate 37564. Kuro and Shiro attempt to escape but are both fatally wounded and left for dead. As they lay dying beside one another, Kuro suddenly realizes that blood is red and although they are white and black inside they are the same. Upon these words Shiro dies and Kuro sings the "friend song" until finally dying alongside Shiro.

Why is the world divided into two parts? Male and Female? Angels and Demons? Black and White?

Above: Shiro (Dori, left) and Kuro (Takuya, right) reach out to each other


I'll preface this review by stating that there is very little of Black & White that I did not enjoy. Everything about it from its first watch was amazing, and when I watch it all again, it's like I'm seeing it new for the first time.

Kuro - Uehara Takuya
Shiro - Sakurada Dori
Ensemble - Angels, Demons, Other Beings, etc.

Casting & Individual Performances:

The infamous duo of Takuya and Dori. Having done so many AMUSE projects together, it was no surprise to see the pair in yet another amazing stage work. The chemistry and relationship that Takuya and Dori have is incredible, and no matter the project they always put on a great show. Black & White was different however, instead of just a great show Takuya and Dori stared in what I would call a true masterpiece. Uehara Takuya's performance as Kuro the Black Angel was nothing short of stunning and incredible. From his amazing dancing, to his stunts, interaction with Dori as well as other characters and his ability to evoke so many emotions makes him a force to be reckoned with. I cannot imagine anyone else playing Kuro other than Takuya. Then there's Sakurada Dori as Shiro the White Angel. Like Takuya, Dori's performance was remarkable though his character is more lighthearted than Takuya's. Dori's ability to play off of Takuya while attempting to answer the ultimate question of the work makes Black & White more interesting and intriguing by the minute. Takuya and Dori are truly a match made in heaven, and are what brought Black & White alive.

Costumes, Set, Music & Choreography:

Everything about Black & White was incredibly detailed. The Angels live white lives, thus all angels were dressed in flowing white garments, while the demons live black lives and dress in stiff and intimidating black clothes. The set was basic, the main stage with a variety of raised levels along the back wall allowing the actors to make use of the entire stage. The music, though brief, added so much to the story and theme of the play and I've found that many of its tracks will get stuck in my head. But perhaps the most beautiful, inspiring and effective thing of Black & White was its choreography.

Black & White Opening Dance of the Angels and Demons

After watching this opening sequence for the first time, I was stunned. It follows the regular patterns of the groups - the angels move with fluid motion and create beautiful arcs with their bodies, while the demons move more intensely and do various stunts to strike fear into the hearts of their pray. I also loved that for this opening dance sequence, the white demon Shiro danced with the white angels and the black angel Kuro danced with the black demons. Showing that though they seem to have been born in the opposite worlds, their true nature and purpose lies with those of the same color. It is one of the few opportunities where we see Kuro and Shiro with the groups they truly belong in. Concepts like these brought Black & White to a whole new level and brought new energy to the dance itself. Between the angels beautiful movements and the stunts done by the demons, I can easily say that this opening dance sequence is one of the best I have ever seen.

Final Thoughts:

Black & White is simply a masterpiece. It may seem odd at times, but if you can look past its oddities it shows something truly remarkable. Out of everything thus far I have reviewed, I would suggest watching Black & White above all.

Black & White with English Subtitles

Fallen Angel

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Never Let Tall Buildings Stand In The Way Of Your Dreams - A Review of 'Sign'


Above (left to right): Yoshizawa Ryo as Nagi, Sakurada Dori as Micchan, Uehara Takuys as Doji, Hirama Soichi as Tsuna and Terada Takuya as Tobi

I came across Sign after finishing Black Pearl and looking for other Uehara Takuya projects. It was only by accident that I found the series online and decided to give it a try. Suffice to say, Sign was to be my first ever J-drama series and I wasn't sure at the beginning if I would like it. I had previously heard from a friend that J-drama tended to be too overly dramatic and sometimes could be downright stupid, but thinking of Takuya, I decided to take that chance.

Unlike my previous reviews I will not be posting a "play-by-play" synopsis, mainly because Sign is only a nine episode series. It would take far to long for me to explain the plot from episode to episode, so if from the short synopsis below you find yourself interested, go and watch this short but powerful series.


Above: Uehara Takuya (Doji)

Doji Oon appears to be an average high school kid, except that he is deaf. After losing his hearing to illness, Doji feels isolated from the world and constantly tries to run from his problems. When he one day visits his older brother Shinji's bar, he watches a group of guys take the stage and begin a dance show. Though deaf, Doji is able to feel the music through the vibrations in the floor and soon after takes up an interest in dancing. His handicap has always been a barrier, but through dance, will Doji be able to overcome everything and everyone that stands against him, and to do this, what will be the ultimate cost?


The Cast:
Douji Oon - Uehara Takuya
Shinji Oon - Takahiko Yanagisawa
Micchan - Sakurada Dori
Tsuna - Hirama Soichi
Tobi - Terada Takuya
Nagi - Yoshizawa Ryo
Taro - Hashimoto Atsushi

Casting & Individual Performances:

Like Black Pearl, Sign was produced and starred the same set of actors belonging to AMUSE. Filled with many familiar faces and some new, Sign proved itself to be a deep series despite its short run with a top notch cast.

The main star is none other than Uehara Takuya. Takuya's approach to Doji was very unique and it was obvious that he put a lot of effort into the research of the hearing impaired, as was evident in his speech and actions. I always find shows or plays that focus on disabilities such as this to be especially difficult, as it is easy to rub others the wrong way. Takuya however proved this to be untrue as he made Doji both a sympathetic and highly relatable character. Alongside Takuya was Takahiko, who played Takuya's older brother Shinji. The quote unquote "voice of wisdom" of the series Shinji was a great opposite to Doji, often balancing him out emotionally and having some of the hardest scenes to watch throughout the series. After seeing Takahiko in Black Pearl I was anxious to see him in a more series role and if he would be able to distinguish himself from his true strength in physical comedy. Suffice to say, I was thrilled by his overall performance. Supporting but not forgotten are the other members of the dance group, Micchan, Yuuli and Ibaraki. Each presented their own challenges which the respective actors met and ran with, but the performance of Dori as Micchan especially stood out. The most reserved character of the series and my first encounter with Sakurada Dori, I at first was turned off by the character and didn't want anything to do with him but as the series continued I grew to love and respect him. Without giving to much away, Micchan would become my second favorite character next to Doji. The cast overall gave great performances that were both entertaining and emotional, all while showing both the easy and difficult sides of life.

Other Thoughts:

Though it may not look it from the start, Sign centers completely around dance and music. Both art forms are very close to my heart as dancing was a huge part of my life for many years and I continue studying to be a professional performer. The ultimate message Sign sends is simple: you can do anything, no matter the obstacle. For Doji, the main obstacle is his deafness while other characters struggle with tough family situations, broken relationships, illness and even death. Through it all Sign shows that nothing should stand in the way of your dreams and no matter what anyone else says, you should pursue them.

Final Thoughts:

While points throughout the show were a little too over dramatic for my taste, this nine episode series was quite enjoyable and one I'm glad I stumbled on it. Between its message, its cast (TAKUYA!) and its extremely catchy theme song, Sign is a great series for any Amuse or J-drama fan.

The entire series of Sign can be found on YouTube at:

Sign - PV Theme

Above (left to right): Shinji, Tobi, Micchan, Doji, Tsuna, Nagi, Taro

Black & White: Akuma no Tenshi, Tenshi no Akuma

Thursday, August 27, 2015

When One Door Closes, Another One Opens - A Review of 'Black Pearl'

Having fallen in love with the Kuroshitsuji musicals, I began to research Uehara Takuya (Grell from Kuroshitsuji) and see what other productions he was involved in. While searching I found an entire YouTube playlist of Ueheara Takuya stage works, ultimately leading me to Black Pearl. With my love for Takuya immensely high already, Black Pearl would serve as a gateway to everything Uehara Takuya.


  • This synopsis is both incredibly long and contains MAJOR spoilers! If you wish to watch without previous background information please skip the synopsis and go straight to the review. A link to the production can be found at the end of the review.
  • Two words: Uehara Takuya - Be Prepared!

Black Pearl

Before we can even approach the synopsis, we must first know the characters. Because there is so much character interaction throughout, it is easy to get characters mixed up with one another and become confused over what they are trying to accomplish at the present time. To reduce confusion, which may occur in the synopsis below, here is a list of the characters of Black Pearl:

Detective - One in charge of finding the culprit who stole the Black Pearl
Detectives Assistant - Prime suspect in stealing the Black Pearl; works for the detective
Vodka - Right hand to the Mafia boss, supervisor to Yomeishu and Rum
Yomeishu - Subordinate to Vodka
Rum - Subordinate to Vodka
Yuuta - Student, comes to be tutored by the Detectives Assistant
Dustin Godder Chandler - "The killer in the darkness"
Robber - In search of the Black Pearl
Tequila - Mafia Boss

Now that we know the players, let's get to the game!


A precious jewel known as the Black Pearl, worth over 30 million yen, has been stolen from the Mafia boss. The following day the Mafia arrives at the detectives office and desperately searches for the jewel, convinced the detectives assistant is the one who stole it. When one of the Mafia subordinates reports that he cannot find it, the leader insists that the jewel must hidden, found and returned to Tequila, the Mafia boss. The subordinate addresses his superiors real name which sends him into a frenzy. He reminds his subordinate that all Mafia members are to address each other by the names of alcohols, as a rule set by Tequila. The subordinate apologizes and readdresses his superior as Vodka, who now satisfied, addresses his subordinates as Yomeishu and Rum. Yomeishu decides torture is the only way to make the assistant talk and begins to tickling the assistant, only to be stopped by Vodka. As Yomeishu and Run begin to fight over how to make the assistant talk, the detective returns to the office. The Mafia informs the detective that his assistant is the one who stole the Black Pearl though they, the detective and assistant, were in charge of guarding it on the night in question. Certain he couldn't have done it, the detective defends his assistant until Vodka gives the detective two options: find the culprit within five hours or be killed.

Above (left to right): Detective, Yomeishu, Vodka and Rum inform the Detective of his fate

Once the Mafia member leave, the detective begins to panic knowing between having so little time and a dimwitted assistant, he wont be able to find the culprit. Though not very bright, the assistant calms his superior down and vows to help in any way he can. The assistant then reminds the detective that today he begins his second job as a tutor and is expecting a student later at their office. The detective, focused on trying to not be killed, ignores this information. When the assistant asks if any of the detectives clients would have money for reimbursement, the detective remembers an old man who reported his parrot missing and a substantial reward for the person who could return him. The two then come up with a plan to buy a different parrot and trick the old man in order to acquire 30 million yen to pay back the Mafia. Preparing to buy the parrot, the detective leaves the office after telling his assistant not to allow anyone in the office.

The office is quiet until a man enters through the window. Also searching for the Black Pearl, he identifies himself as a robber and begins looking for the jewel. As he does this, the student appears in the office and takes the robber by surprise. Mistaking him for his tutor the student, Yuuta, addresses the robber as his teacher, leading to chaos until the assistant reenters the room. Having been discovered, the robber attempts to flee the office but is stopped by the assistant who threatens to call the police should he not identify himself. In a panic, the robber says he is a member of the FBI which has just recently begun in Japan. The robber goes on to explain that he was sent to the office to investigate reports of a mysterious radioactive wave that has been discovered there and may have something to do with ghosts. The student and detective both believe this and apologize for their rudeness towards him, stating that they will fully cooperate and allow the "agent" to search the office as they begin studying in the room next door.

Above: Yuuta (left) and Dustin Godder Chandler (right)

As the robber continues his search, another man enters the office. A mysterious, dark figure carrying a large gun, he informs the robber that he must die. Before he pulls the trigger Yuuta reenters with the assistant close behind him. The man introduces himself as Dustin Godder Chandler, who unbeknownst to all, has been hired by the Mafia to kill the detective. The assistant however mistakes him to be someone who the detective has hired to clean the office and he orders that the man begin his work immediately. Backed into a corner, the man agrees and leaves to begin cleaning. The robber resumes his search until scrambling from the room as the detective returns to the office with the parrot in hand. The detective is certain that they will be able to trick the old man, until realizing that this parrot is a different color than the one reported missing. To add to his misfortune, the bird only sings certain phrases, including TV commercials and the phrase "I love you". The two decide to put the parrot aside and begin looking for the true culprit as Vodka suddenly reappears informing them that a strange man was seen outside the Mafia boss' house. As Vodka leaves, the detective begins to panic once again until his assistant suddenly thanks him for hiring a house cleaner. Confused, the detective throws this silliness off until the student reenters upon hearing that the detective is in need of a huge sum of money. Yuuta then comes up with a plan: pretend to be kidnapped and have the detective ask for ransom from his father. When the detective asks how Yuuta could put his father through such a thing, he explains how he and his father have never gotten along and that they aren't blood. Seeing no risk, the detective agrees to the plan and begins the ransom call.

The plan works perfectly until the assistant returns. Thinking that his superior is ordering food, he attempts to give the father the address of their office but is stopped just in time by the detective. Having successfully made the call and demanded 30 million yen, the detective leaves the room to inform the student of the situation. The robber reenters still running from Dustin who believes he is the detective but before he can escape, Yomeishu and Rum return and identify him as the man seen outside Tequila's house. Drawing their guns and preparing to shoot the robber, the two get into an argument allowing the robber to slip back into the other room. Having lost the robber, Rum begins to question the possibility of someone in the Mafia family as the culprit and asks Yomeishu to run this theory by Vodka. After Rum leaves the office to go on a date, Yomeishu states that he will take full credit for the idea and leaves the office shortly thereafter.

Above: Youmeishu (left) and Rum (right) argue 

The detective returns to find that his assistant has called the number of the students father and given him the address. When he realizes that his assistant thought he was calling the pizza store all along, his anger subsides and informs his assistant that he must keep the student in the other room when the father arrives with the kidnapping ransom. By planning it perfectly, he will be able to obtain the 30 million yen and be seen as a hero. The detectives anger returns when Dustin reenters, carrying cleaning supplies, asking where the target (the detective) is. The assistant points him towards the robber in the next room as the real detective questions the assistant about who he is. The assistant explains that he was the house cleaner the detective hired and leaves the detective in a state of confusion as he returns to the other room to continue teaching his student.

Finally alone the detective bids his final farewell to life, knowing that he will run out of time before he can find the true culprit. Realizing that the kidnapping deal is still on, the detective prepares to leave until Vodka suddenly reappears. Vodka's intimidating demeanor suddenly vanishes when he asks for the detectives help in a very pressing matter. Upon asking what he can do, Vodka breaks down informing him that his son has been kidnapped. Having brought the 30 million yen random, the detective is shocked beyond words until Vodka agrees to make the matter of the Black Pearl disappear if his son is returned safely. Seeing this as another way out, the detective agrees to help even when Vodka tells him he will kill whoever is responsible. Vodka's phone rings and he panics thinking it's the kidnappers, but is surprised to find Youmeishu on the other end. His relief turns to anger as Vodka flees the office with the ransom to find Yomeishu who has gotten lost somewhere in the city.

Still in a state of shock the assistant returns to the scene spouting gibberish about his tutoring. The detective stops him and asks for his help in another matter but before the assistant can reply the robber runs through the room screaming, followed by Dustin who is madly swinging a duster. The two return to their conversation and agree that the student and father must not meet until the proper time. The assistant vows to keep the student occupied and the detective leaves as the assistant stops Dustin from chasing the "agent". When he asks Dustin about the cleaning Dustin attempts to tell him that he is actually a killer and demands to know where the target is. He introduces himself once again, this time, with the detective himself in the room who knows full well what he has come to the office to do. The detective begins to panic as we points Dustin back towards the other room, saying the detective is hiding inside. Dustin leaves the room as the detective continues to panic and Vodka and Youmeishu rush through the door.

Flustered and worried for Yuuta's life, Vodka prepares to leave the office once again and deliver the ransom but he stops when the detective suddenly offers to take it for him. Even after stating that the kidnappers may be waiting to ambush him, Vodka refuses to allow anyone other than himself to take the ransom as he is the father. The two argue for quite some time until the detective rushes away leaving Vodka and Yomeishu alone. Yomeishu takes this opportunity to tell Vodka Rums theory of the culprit being a member of the Mafia family, and blames Rum for the entire idea when Vodka becomes enraged. Vodka orders Youmeishu to continue searching for the Black Pearl, but as Yomeishu leaves to do this, Dustin returns. Knowing that Vodka cannot be the detective as the two share a similar "tough" appearance Dustin leaves Vodka alone until the detective returns. Knowing that Vodka will blow his cover, the detective tells Dustin that he saw the detective wearing a hat and tries to escape. As Dustin asks more about the target Vodka explains that he, the detective, must now take the money to the kidnappers and hands him the briefcase. The detective denies that he is who he is, enraging both Dustin and Vodka who could kill him on the spot. Just when things couldn't get any worse, the assistant returns with the student right behind him! In a panic, the assistant provides an adequate distraction as the detective rushes the student back into the other room. Pressed for time, Vodka rushes out once more to take the money. Dustin too leaves the room as the assistant tries to remedy the situation with his boss and deal with Yomeishu who has returned to the main room. Rum suddenly rushes back to the office saying that his girlfriend has given him a present: a hat. Remembering that he told Dustin the detective was wearing a hat, the detective tells Rum that he looks brilliant in it. As Yomeishu and the detective are alone in the main room, the detective notices Rum's gun left behind. He points it at Yomeishu who pulls his on the detective, followed by Dustin who pulls his gun AND the assistant who pulls his own. Before anyone fires, the detective stops them and suggests they all put their guns down at the same time. The four do this and commend themselves for such an achievement but become silent as Dustin picks up his gun once more and leaves the room.

The detective returns Rum's gun to Yomeishu who leaves to find Vodka as the assistant wanders off. Seeing that he is alone, Yuuta asks the detective about his fathers actions upon learning that he was kidnapped. When the detective tells him that he was extremely worried the student is less than moved. The detective asks why he detests his father so much, but the student leaves without saying another word. The robber returns and finally reveals his true identity as a robber who has been searching for the Black Pearl, but tired of the games, the robber gives up and leaves the office with the detectives laptop as collateral.

With the robber gone, the detective suddenly realizes what he's been missing and states that he now knows who stole the Black Pearl! Before he reveals the culprit however, Vodka and Yomeishu burst through the door still in possession of the 30 million yen random. Remembering that the detective was to take the money, Vodka hands off the ransom to the detective as Rum gives Yomeishu his hat and the assistant rushes in to help his boss. Causing more trouble, the detective runs out of the room again to make another kidnapping call. As Yomeishu attempts to calm Vodka, Vodka receives another call from the kidnappers who tell him to wait 30 minutes before taking the money. Somewhat calmer, Vodka reminds Yomeishu that his job is to find the Black Pearl and if he is able to do this he will increase his rank both in his alcoholic name and in status. He will go from a subordinate, to a detective. Yomeishu is overjoyed with this idea and rushes off to find the jewel as the detective returns.

Above: Youmeishu utters his last words

The detective and Vodka argue over taking the money as the assistant and Dustin rush in. When Dustin introduces himself for the fourth or fifth time and begs to know who the target it, the room freezes as all eyes turn to Vodka. Confessing that he never caught who the target was, Vodka chews out Dustin for his stupidity. As Dustin raises his gun to shoot Vodka, Yuuta once again rushes back into the room. The detective and assistant shield him so Vodka cannot see his son, but Vodka commands they move aside. Still holding the duster the assistant uses it to disguise Yuuta and Vodka believes this young man to be a foreigner. As the student rushes away and Dustin once again demands to know who the detective is, Yomeishu bursts through the door exclaiming that the detective is himself. Dustin shoots and Vodka calls out to his subordinate, now called Amazake, as he lays on the floor and finally dies in his arms. Furious, Vodka raises his own gun to shoot Dustin but is stopped by the detective who points out that the bullet Dustin fired only hit the nearby painting on the wall. The group watches as Yomeishu, unharmed, sits up and laughs about the situation. All eyes then turn to Dustin, who explains that he is not a killer but instead is in charge of management for a "killer" company. He apologizes to the detective for the trouble and before leaving the office thanks the assistant for teaching him how fun cleaning could be.

Above: Vodka (Takuya) raises his gun

Left alone with just the Mafia members, the detective is finally ready to reveal the true culprit who stole the Black Pearl. Close to Tequila on the night in question and able to cause a blackout at the time it was stolen, the detective reveals that all facts point to Yomeishu. Vodka orders Rum to take Yomeishu away to Tequila as he draws his gun on the detective and his assistant. Now realizing that they were the ones who kidnapped his son in order to obtain the reimbursement for the jewel, Vodka prepares to kill both the detective and his assistant, but he halts when Yuuta throws himself in front of his gun. Vodka lowers his weapon as Yuuta explains that he came up with this plan to teach him a lesson. He further explains how his father first worked for an electronics company before becoming a member of the Mafia to earn money for his mothers operation fee. After joining the Mafia his father stopped seeing his mother out of embarrassment, though she asked about him continuously. Unsure of what to say Yuuta would tell his mother how his father had invented a new electronic device which was able to bring in so much money, and from that day on his mother had to own one. To ensure this would happen, she began to watch Japanese TV shopping channels. Still seeing she was lonely Yuuta bought her a parrot, but after her passing sold it to a pet store. The detective stops Yuuta's story to inform him that after searching for the parrot, the bird itself is in their very office. As the assistant rushes back with the parrot, it addresses Vodka: I love you. Realizing this is his wife's final love letter, Vodka collects the money and informs Yuuta that he will give it to Tequila and save Youmeishu as his last job for the Mafia. Before he can leave, Yuuta addresses him again - not as Vodka, but father. Vodka stops dead in his tracks and leaves allowing Yuuta to come with him. Yuuta thanks the assistant and detective before following his father out, with the parrot in hand.

The detective and assistant are alone once more. The detective rejoices in the fact that he is still alive and that they were able to solve the case. The assistant however, is not quite satisfied. Finding holes in his superiors story, the assistant realizes that Youmeishu couldn't have stolen the jewel. As he remembers comments and remarks made by all the people in the office that day, the assistant deducts that the only one who could have stolen the jewel was the detective himself. The detective laughs as he breaks apart the computer mouse left on his desk and removes the Black Pearl from inside. The assistant stands stunned as the detective continues to laugh until the stage is finally blacked out.          


Interestingly, all of the actors from Black Pearl belong to the same Japanese talent agency, Amuse, who backed and produced the play. This group of actors have worked on various projects together and have become well known both in Japan and overseas for their various involvement and performances. Nevertheless, the actors of Black Pearl are the driving force behind this hilarious, slap-stick comedy.

The Cast:
Detective (Takizawa) - Yanagisawa Takahiko
Detectives Assist - Hirama Soichi
Vodka - Uehara Takuya
Yomeishu - Aiyagi Ruito
Rum - Yoshizawa Ryo
Yuuta - Sakamoto Shogo
Dustin Godder Chandler - Mizuta Kouki
Robber - Yoshimura Takuya

Casting & Individual Performances:

It all points to the detective and his somewhat incompetent assistant. The actor playing the panicking detective does wonderfully, as he is able to pull off the physical comedy and change his attitude at the drop of a hat. Always by his side, his assistants actor does splendidly as the consistent comic relief of the play. Their energies together made the play very enjoyable as they struggle to solve the case, save their lives and deal with the various circumstances that come their way.

Secondary, but not inferior to the two leads, are the Mafia members: Vodka, Youmeishu and Rum. All under the eye of the Mafia boss Tequila, these three are tasked with finding the Black Pearl or disposing of the detectives if necessary. All three gave great performances, but Takuya's presence as the head Mafia subordinate Vodka stood out. Knowing Takuya's full comedic abilities after seeing him play Grell Sutcliff, I was pleased to see Takuya in such a rhompus comedy playing a character who must battle various emotions. Takuya's comedic timing and simultaneous ability to be a complete Mafia badass added much to the performance as a whole. It goes without saying that the Takuya love continues to grow.

Set, Costumes & Score:

Unlike Kuroshitsuji, the set, costumes and score for Black Pearl were very simple and minimalist. The Mafia members dressed in hard colors making them appear intimidating while the detectives and other character dressed like your typical "everyday" people. Much like its literal costumes, the set was also very simple and literal. With the stage made to look like the main room and one stage exit to represent the second room in the office, it allowed the actors to move about freely and make the audience may close attention to who was going where at what time. Because Black Pearl is all about timing, a set that allowed the actors to move around and make this timing perfect was absolutely necessary and well done. Unlike Kuroshitsuji, the score for Black Pearl was pretty much none existent. That being said, the opening theme played when introducing the actors and the music played at the very end of the performance were very effective.

Final Thoughts:

The entire cast of characters was unique and absolutely hilarious, reminded me somewhat of 'Noises Off' (minus all the doors). The show took turns that I was not expecting and had me laughing from start to finish. For any theater lover, I would highly recommend Black Pearl.

Black Pearl with English Subtitles


First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage: Kuroshitsuji 2 Far Surpasses Its Follower Kuroshitsuji 3

Kuroshitsuji 2: The Most Beautiful Death in the World & The Thousand Souls and a Fallen Shinigami



Ciel Phantomhive has been kidnapped and now is at the mercy of a sacrificial cult. Desiring nothing more than revenge against those who have made him suffer, Ciel inadvertently summons a demon who offers him a contract - he will serve and see that Ciel's ultimate wish is fulfilled in exchange for his soul. Ciel accepts these terms and names his new servant Sebastian Michaelis, who will now serve as his butler.

Above: Ciel Phantomhive

It is a normal morning at the Phantomhive manor - Sebastian wakes, dresses and serves the morning tea as his master reads the paper. When Ciel reads that four women were mysteriously killed and bore no external wounds, Sebastian informs his master that a similar incident occurred a few weeks ago and the possibility of fatal disease is being considered. As Ciel continues to read his paper fellow Phantomhive servants Baldroy, Mey-Rin and Finney burst into his room trying to capture a rat which Sebastian quickly disposes of and orders the three of them back to their posts. After apologizing for the intrusion Mey-Rin remembers that a letter was delivered addressed to the young master. Sent from Her Majesty the Queen Sebastian and Ciel are surprised to learn that the Queen has great concern over the recent killing of these young women and that she suspects this to be murder. Doubtful of murder, Ciel's orders from the Queen are absolute: find and eliminate the killer. Once more, Sebastian and Ciel set out to investigate mass murder across England.

Above (left to right): Ronold Knox, Eric Slingby, Alan Humphries, Grell Sutcliff and William T Spears

As Ciel and Sebastian begin their investigation, The Shinigami Dispatch Society is beginning their work day. In charge of harvesting souls of humans on the "To Die List", head Grim Reaper William T Spears oversees the entire department and keeps all his fellow Reapers including Ronald Knox, Alan Humphries, Eric Slingby and the ever troublesome Grell Sutcliff in check. When Alan discovers that the number of souls on the Death List does not match the number of souls collected, William confesses that it may not have been best to leave the case to "him" (referring to Grell). Knowing Grell's incompetence, Will reassigns the case to Alan Humphries with Eric Slinby as backup, and Grell who leads the three away before Will can pull him from the case. As Will goes about his work, Ronald Knox asks him about Alan and Eric's close relationship. Will explains that the two were partners back when they were in training, and since then Eric has always been weary of Alan, and his condition.

The streets of London are busy as ever. Local constable Sharp Hanks and Scotland Yard detective Fred Aberline meet Ciel and Sebastian on the streets and report they still have no leads. With nothing to go on Ciel tells Sebastian that they must visit the Undertaker, the man in charge of all London's dead. After presenting payment the Undertaker confirms that all the victims bore no external wounds and that they all died with a peaceful smile on their face. The two leave and Ciel reminds Sebastian of his position as his servant and that he is merely a pawn in his game. As Ciel and Sebastian prepare to return to the Manor, they meet Eric and Alan who have heard about Sebastian through Grell. Knowing that he is a demon, Alan attacks Sebastian with his scythe but suddenly falls to the ground clutching his chest. Bored of watching Grell chimes in and explains that Alan has been taken by a sickness that can kill even Shinigami, known as The Thorns of Death. Thinking they might be onto something, Sebastian invites the three to rest at the Phantomhive manor until Alan has recovered. Ciel reluctantly allows this so as to keep a close eye on these Shinigami, the demons ultimate enemy.

Above: Eric (left) watches as Alan (right) collapses due to his illness

Alan awakes to find himself at the Phantomhive manor with Eric beside him. Angry and scared, Alan admits his fear of The Thorns of Death and how when one dies they experience many things, the most prominent being loneliness. Having never experienced loneliness, Alan explains how while in training he tried to understand the feelings of those scheduled to die but he was unable to understand them completely until contracting this sickness. As Eric watches over Alan and the night comes to a close, Grell appears, having been tied up and wearing lingerie. Alone in the mansion Grell fantasizes about a passionate night with Sebastian, who left him in such a state. When Sebastian returns and informs Grell that he is in need of his help. Grell eagerly follows after Sebastian as the sun rises and morning comes.

Above & Below: Grell's fantasy night

As Ciel awaits his breakfast, Alan and Eric insist on leaving the manor immediately to investigate their case. Sebastian, however, does not allow them to leave and reveals that he has discovered the identity of the mass murderer who has been terrorizing England - Eric Slingby. Eric denies any involvement and questions how a Shinigami could be responsible for such crimes. Sebastian explains that to solve this case, he needed the help of a Shinigami, Grell Sutcliff, who joins the group flustered over such a "passionate" night. Having been discovered, Eric confesses his involvement and attacks Sebastian with his scythe despite Alan's attempts to stop him. When Alan confronts Eric about his actions, Eric flees from the mansion with Alan close behind, as well as Sebastian and Grell.

Alan loses Eric along the way and desperately searches the streets. Watching from high above, Eric watches as a man in a heavy coat abducts a young woman and her friend. The two kidnapped women are led to the home of Viscount Druitt who plans to sacrifice them for the "goddess of beauty". Before he can do so Eric appears and sets the women free only to apologize for killing them himself. Eric slays the women, who bear no external wounds, and gains the adoration of the Viscount who in admiration of a real serial killer agrees to set the perfect stage for Eric to collect souls.

William is astonished that Eric would miss a scheduled Shinigami check in and Ronald proposes that Grell may be causing trouble again. As Ronald prepares for his next job, he is stopped while examining the 'To Die List' and notices that a huge number of people will die in the same place the following night. At the same time, Ciel and Sebastian return to the manor having received an invitation to an Opera held by the Viscount Druitt. The invitation invites only women and children, with gentlemen only allowed if escorting a woman. Discovering that the Opera will be held at the Crystal Palace, Ciel orders Sebastian to kill the Shinigami Eric Slingby and Sebastian swears to do so.              


The Phantomhive manor is busily preparing for the Opera. Ciel, Grell and Alan attend all disguised as women, with Sebastian and the other Phantomhive servants also in attendance. Ciel at first opposes this, but soon realizes that having more soldiers never hurts, especially when dealing with a man like Druitt. Eric and Druitt watch from above as more guests arrive and The Opera House fills. Before Ciel or Sebastian can figure out Druitt's plan, the Opera begins and captures everyone's attention. Suddenly, the Opera House goes dark and Eric races around killing women with his scythe. Among the confusion, Alan confronts Eric who once again runs from him. William and Ronald suddenly appear and Sebastian and Grell join the battle against Eric, as Ciel is guarded by the the other Phantomhive servants. When Eric suddenly takes Ciel as a hostage, Sebastian orders Baldroy, Mey-Rin and Finney to return to the manor before running after his master.

Alan chases Eric until he confronts him about the real reason he has been collecting souls. Alan tells of a rumor where if a Shinigami can collect 1000 pure souls he can cure The Thorns of Death, but Alan is weary of its validity. Eric tells Alan he doesn't care if it is true or not and that if there is even a chance to Alan he will do whatever it takes. Realizing that Eric will stop at nothing, Alan respectfully asks Eric to stop killing and the two officially resign from The Shinigami Dispatch Society knowing they can never return to their work there.

Ciel is finds himself tied and wriggling on the floor until he orders Sebastian to come get him. After setting his master free, Ciel once again orders Sebastian to kill Eric Slingby and Sebastian leaves to do so. Sebastian finds Eric with Alan who has once again collapsed and confronts Eric about the number of souls he has collecting. Only in need of one more soul, Eric attacks Sebastian as Alan begins to recover and Ciel appears. Seeing Ciel, Eric prepares to obtain his 1000th soul, but before his scythe reaches Ciel Alan throws himself in front of it. A short cinematic record of Alan and Eric while is training is replayed, showing the strong friendship that developed between the two of them. As the record comes to a close, Eric watches as Alan dies in his arms. Seeing no reason to live, Eric allows Sebastian to kill him with Alan's scythe and the souls collected are released to finally be at peace.

Above: Eric (left) watches as Alan (right) dies

Sebastian and Ciel return to the manor where Mey-Rin, Baldroy and Finney are anxiously waiting. After sending them away, Sebastian pours the evening tea as Ciel states that immortal beings such as Shinigami are just as foolish as humans. Sebastian remains at Ciels side until he falls asleep and Sebastian prepares his master for bed. With Ciel asleep in his arms, Sebastian reminisces about their contract. and how one day, he will devour this soul.


As mentioned in my previous review, I watched Kuroshitsuji 2 after Kuroshitsuji 3 thinking that nothing would be better than Kuroshitsuji 3. I was gravely wrong. Kuroshitsuji 2: The Most Beautiful Death in the World (etc.) was just as good if not better than Kutoshitsuji 3 for many reasons.

The Cast:
Sebastian Michaelis - YuYa Matsushita
Ciel Phantomhive - Yukito Nishii
Eric Slingby - Taisuke Saeki
Alan Humphries - Matsumato Shinya
Grell Sutcliff - Uehara Takuya
William T Spears - Nagaoka Takuya
(Other roles include Ronald Knox, Undertaker, Fred Aberline, Sharp Hanks, Aleistor Chambers, Baldroy, Mey-Rin and Finnian)

Individual Performances

Once again, the performances of YuYa Matsushita and Uehara Takuya are unmatched. For this production, YuYa gives Sebastian a more ironic and hypocritical personality rather than one that appears purely dark and evil. Takuya also bring great life to Grell as the flamboyant Shinigami who is infatuated with Sebastian. I was originally shocked when Takuya came out in lingerie and was running about in heels, but looking on it now, he has my utmost respect. The pairing of Matsushit and Takuya is both comedic and casting brilliance and I hope that the two continue to do project together in the future. Ciel is this time played by Yukito Nishii who pulls off the role effortlessly. He is able to capture and portray Ciels pain and stern personality which plays off Matsushita's performance beautifully. Nishii is a perfect casting choice for Ciel, even if he appears to be a little older than the original character. Perhaps the real stars of Kuroshitsuji 2 is the duo of Alan and Eric. Saekis performance as the protective Eric and Shinyas performance as the naive Alan are stunning and are what made the production such a joy to watch. The two are a match made in heaven, are some of the best characters I've ever encountered, have the best scenes in the whole production and have the most stunning vocal themes. Of the entire Kuroshitsuji 2 case, these guys are it.

Set, Costumes and Score:

Much like the set for Kuroshitsuji 3, Kuroshitsuji 2 uses minimal set pieces and various stage levels to accommodate so many characters who are constantly on the move. Costumes also remained true to the series and manga, with special attention payed to The Shinigami Dispatch Society. With any production however, the first thing I pay attention to is its score. From the start I was thoroughly impressed with the score for not only its instrumental themes and group numbers, but also its solos. The individual themes of Alan and Eric as well as their duet together near the end of the show are breathtaking and incredibly moving and emotional. And along with a great score came great vocal performances especially from from Matsushita, Shinya and Saeki.

Final Thoughts:
Though I did love Suroshitsuji 3, Kuroshitsuji 2 has some elements that well overpower its third installment. First is its absolutely perfect casting with spectacular performances by all. Second, its story and character development. And finally is its score. The songs for Suroshitsuji 2 are incredible and fit the themes of Black Butler close to perfectly. Additionally the vocal performances given are absolutely beautiful. 3 may have come before 2, but ask me to chose just one Kuroshitsuji musical
and my answer will be Kuroshitsuji 2 hands down, every time.

All parts of Kuroshitsuji 2: The Most Beautiful Death in the World & The Thousand Souls and a Fallen Shinigami can be found with English subtitles on YouTube at:

Black Pearl

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

There's No Business Like Show Business

If you've read my blog these past few months, you already know that I've been diving headfirst into numerous animes thanks to a certain friend. When finishing a series I particularly enjoyed, I often turn to the Internet and YouTube for other anime reviews, suggestions and usually to find the original soundtrack. Over the past few weeks however I have found and continue to stumble down a new dark hole, and now there is officially no coming back out. I've graduated from animes to Japanese musicals, plays, K-drama AND J-drama.

Personally coming from a theater and musical theater background myself, I've always thought and found theater as an escape from the real world. If only for a few hours, I can become completely enveloped in a whole new place. There is nothing to worry about and I can get lost in the magic that is "theater". And though I am no longer able to be in plays and musicals as much as I'd like to these days, I am always excited when I am able to attend and go to this new place for a completely difference experience - no matter the story, style, content, characters or language. I was quite nervous in this hole at first because of the language barrier but after initially discovering the existence of various musicals based on one of my top Summer 2015 animes, Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler), none of that mattered and I became instantly hooked.

To date, there have been three musicals based on various arcs in the Black Butler manga with additional inspiration from the anime series produced by FUNimation. I was not surprised in the slightest that musicals about Black Butler had been produced and received with great success in Japan, while already making a huge impact in the States and overseas. Since its initial release, the manga and animes continue to grow in popularity and both have an enormous and somewhat relentless fan following. Because of this, I had huge expectations for the musicals themselves and if they would be able to live up to the hype and idolization that is Black Butler as as usual, those expectations were far exceeded.

For my next couple of posts, I will be reviewing the various musicals, plays and dramas that I have discovered and give my thoughts on them. Each review will include spoilers, so if you would like to watch one of the shows I review, I wouldn't read the entire play by play synopsis.
(DISCLAIMER: EVERY show includes Uehara Takuya - so prepare for a lot of praise and fangirling)

And with that, let's begin with the leading musical to the rabbit hole - Kuroshitsuji 3: Jack the Ripper

Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler) 3: Jack the Ripper



We begin with our introduction to Ciel Phantomhive, a young boy who has been kidnapped and is suffering at the hands of what appears to be a sacrificial cult. Wishing to destroy those who have wronged him, Ciel inadvertently summons a demon who offers Ciel a contract. This demon will serve Ciel and see that his ultimate wish is granted, in exchange for his soul. Ciel accepts without a second thought and upon being freed by this demon names his new servant and butler Sebastian Michaelis.

Above: Fukuzaki (left) as Ciel Phantomhive with Matsushita (right) as Sebastian Michaelis

Sebastian dutifully serves Ciel and obeys his every order, but such a life does not come without hiccups. Fellow Phantomhive servants Baldroy, Mey-Rin and Finny always seem to be getting into trouble and end up relying on Sebastian to fix their various mistakes. When one day Sebastian must once again attend to their errors, a pair of messengers to Her Majesty the Queen break into the manor to deliver an urgent message. Upon reading the letter, Ciel learns of the Queens pressing concern over the number of women recently being murdered across London and the killer who has evaded the police and earned a unique nickname from the public: Jack the Ripper. Bound to the Queens service as "The Queens Guard Dog", Ciel informs Sebastian that they will begin working on this case immediately to stop the murders and capture the killer.

The streets of London are as busy as ever, now with local constable and Scotland Yard detectives working on the case. With no leads or clues to report, Ciel and Sebastian travel to the Phantomhive country house where they meet some unexpected guests: Ciel's aunt Madame Red, her incompetent butler Grell Sutcliff and the businessman/black marker dealer Lau. After informing them about the case, the group pays a visit to the Undertaker who is in charge of all of London's dead. Upon providing proper payment the Undertaker reveals that after each woman was brutally murdered the uterus of each victim was carefully removed. Unsure of who to suspect Ciel orders Sebastian to compile a list and question the possible suspects accordingly, all of which Sebastian completes in a few minutes time. After checking the whereabouts of each suspect, Sebastian informs Ciel that there is only one who is unaccounted for: the Viscount Druitt, also known as Aleistor Chambers.

Above: Viscount Druitt

Having graduated from medical school but never gone into practice, Ciel is confident that the Viscount must be the killer. When the Viscount holds a ball at his manor Madame Red, Grell and Lau attend, with Sebastian escorting Ciel who is dressed as a young lady. Knowing Druitts weakness for young things, Sebastian flaunts Ciel around until he captures the Viscounts attention. As planned, the Viscount becomes infatuated with the disguised Ciel and the two leave the ball to a more private setting. Once they are alone, the Viscount uses a drug that temporarily makes Ciel pass out, and when he wakes, he finds himself tied and in a small cage surrounded by guests from the ball. While being auctioned off, Ciel decides he is tired of such games and summons Sebastian who promptly arrives to rescue him. Having rescued his master, Sebastian and Ciel leave the ball knowing that although the Viscount may be a pervert, he is not the killer.

The group returns to the country house where Ciel and Madame Red begin to play a game of chess. Madame Red expresses her concern towards Ciel regarding the case and his well being, continuously telling him that she has always thought of him like a son. Receiving little response from Ciel, Madame Red begs Sebastian to never leave her nephews side. Sebastian agrees and follows after his master.


London is still in a panic about Jack the Ripper. Feeling they have gotten a little closer to solving the case, Ciel and Sebastian decide to stake out a London street hoping to confront Jack the Ripper. When a scream suddenly rings throughout London, Ciel and Sebastian rush to the scene but arrive to late and find the woman already dead. Sebastian pulls Ciel away from the body and covers his eyes and the killer walks our dripping in blood. Sebastian casually addresses the killer and confirms his suspicions regarding his identity. A human alone would not be capable of such murders, therefore, something inhuman is the killer - and that inhuman being is none other than Grell Sutcliff.

Above: Uehara Takuya as Grell Sutcliff in his True Form

Grell completely denies his involvement until Sebastian reveals that Grell isn't the person he appears to be. Grell laughs at Sebastian as he changes into his true form - a flamboyant young man with long red hair and skull glasses who is known as a Shinigami or Grim Reaper. Having revealed his true form, Grell praises himself for being such a good "actress" and confesses that he has always found Sebastian attractive. Disgusted, Sebastian further questions Grell until he reveals that his actions were driven by a certain woman. Sebastian and Ciel are shocked to see Madame Red step out of the shadows. Ciel explains how the two were suspects from the start and that each woman murdered had a specific medical operation performed prior to their deaths. Having been discovered Grell attempts to kill Ciel with his Deathscythe, a tool used by Grim Reapers for harvesting human souls which for Grell takes the form of a chainsaw. Sebastian interferes as Ciel orders him to put an end of Jack the Ripper. Madame Red flees the scene with Ciel following close behind as Grell and Sebastian continue their fight.

Ciel finally catches Madame Red and confronts her about her crimes. She suddenly pulls out a knife, attacks Ciel and wounds his arm. Grabbing him by the throat, Madame Red prepares to kill her own nephew, but before she does so she hears the distant voice of her sister, Ciel's mother, calling out to her. Seeing that his master is in danger, Sebastian sacrifices his arm to Grell's scythe in order to save him. As Sebastian lunges to kill Madame Red Ciel suddenly revokes his previous order and stops Sebastian. Madame Red drops the knife and bursts into tears as Grell orders her to kill Ciel. Deciding that she cannot do it, Grell plunges his Deathscythe through Madame Red. This releases what is known as the Grim Reapers true power: the cinematic record, which shows the entire life of a humans life from their perspective and gives reapers the power to decide whether that human deserves to live or die.

Above: Takuya (Grell) decides if Liv (Madame Red) deserves to live or die

Madame's cinematic record begins with her and her sister meeting Lord Phantomhive. She recalls her hatred for the red hair she inherited from her father and how she came to love the color red and Vincent Phantomhive. After her sister falls in love and marries Lord Phantomhive, Madame is sure she will never find happiness. Soon after she meets a man of her own, marries and becomes pregnant with a child. Though she is finally happy, tragedy strikes which claims the life of her husband and almost takes her own, but the doctors were only able to save her by removing her uterus and unborn child. Alone in the world, Madame travels to the Phantomhive manor to visit her sister but she arrives to find the manor engulfed in flames. She attends to funeral of her sister and her husband before returning to work at a prestigious hospital. When a prostitute one day approaches her about aborting her recent pregnancy, Madame snaps and decides to stain everything red. She kills the prostitute and begins to remove her uterus when she meets Grell and the two decide to work together in murdering young women across London. The record continues to show Grell killing more and more young women until eventually killing Madame with his scythe and ending her cinematic record.

Grell expresses his disappointment towards Madame Red and how she doesn't have what it takes to wear such a color. He then tears her long red coat from her dead body and puts it on as he bids a final farewell. As Grell walks away, Ciel reminds Sebastian of his orders to kill Jack the Ripper and that one is still alive. Grell lunges once more at Sebastian and begins comparing them to Romeo and Juliet which disgusts Sebastian. The pair continue to fight until Grell wounds Sebastian so deeply that part of Sebastian's cinematic record is revealed. Clips of Sebastian's life flash before Grell's eyes but Sebastian's true life from the past two years comes to light, showing Sebastian deal with Baldroy, May-Rin and Finney. Wanting to see more of Sebastian's record Grell once again charges Sebastian with his scythe. As he does so, Sebastian pulls the waistcoat from his body and jams it into Grell's scythe rendering it useless. Horrified, Grell tries to pull the coat from his precious scythe but is unsuccessful. Sebastian laughs and prepares himself for their upcoming hand to hand combat which he is highly skilled in. In a matter of seconds Sebastian is able to knock Grell to the ground and leave him curdling in pain. Sebastian then uses this opportunity to pull his coat from the scythe and prepare to kill Grell with his own weapon. Sebastian raises the scythe to kill screaming Grell but before he can kill him, something suddenly knocks the scythe and Sebastian away.

Above: Matsushita as Sebastian (left) and Takuya as Grell (right) fight

Sebastian looks to the roof to see another reaper, William T Spears. Grell attempts to flirt with Will but is only knocked unconscious once more as Will explains the rules of the Reapers and how Grell has broken these rules the Reapers live by. Will continues to pummel Grell as he reluctantly apologizes to Sebastian for the trouble Grell has caused. Sebastian is un-phased by William, throws Grell's scythe back and watches as Will drags Grell by his hair back into the darkness.

Ciel reappears as Sebastian apologizes to his master for allowing part of Jack the Ripper to escape. He then suggests they return to the manor. Traumatized by the nights events, Ciel agrees and is almost unable to stand. When Sebastian attempts to help Ciel swats him away claiming he can do this on his own. The two leave the streets and return to the manor where Ciel sends a message to the Queen with the news that they have solved the case. A few days later, Ciel attends Madame Red's funeral and bids his final farewell to his beloved Aunt. Though everything has returned back to normal, Ciel gives Sebastian a new order to never leave his side. Sebastian vows his allegiance and brings the show to a close as he fantasizes about the day he will finally devour Ciel Phantomhive's soul.  


Without knowing it was the third and most recent in the Kuroshitsuji musical installment, Kuroshitsuji 3: Jack the Ripper was the first musical I watched and the beginning of this new, dark hole. Coincidentally, it is the only musical I've seen thus far that was not English subtitled as it only ran in Japan last year. Thankfully since I had seen the anime I knew the arc of the story it was based on, as well as knowledge of what was to come even if I couldn't understand the lines directly.

Casting & Individual Performances :

Proper casting is essential, especially when dealing with a musicals adaption of Black Butler. Fans have a very specific and high set of expectations of how the characters are portrayed both in appearance and personality. Wrong casting could easily spell disaster, but luckily, the casting for both Kuroshitsuji musicals I've seen, has been nothing but perfect.

The Cast:
Sebastian Michaelis - YuYa Matsushita
Ciel Phantomhive - Nayuta Fukuzaki
Madam Red - Akane Liv
Grell Sutcliff - Uehara Takuya
William T Spears - Teruma
(Other characters include Viscount Druitt, Undertaker, Baldroy, Mey-Rin, Finnian, Fred Aberline and Sharp Hanks)

Sebastian Michaelis was played by rising actor and singer YuYa Matushita. To put it simply, YuYa is the perfect Sebastian; from his appearance to his personality and physical physique. With a beautiful voice to boot, YuYa will always be the one true Sebastian in the Kuroshitsuji musicals and has reprised his role in all three produced, as well as a re-run on Kuroshitsuji 2. If more musicals are made I can only hope that YuYa continues to make audiences and fangirls alike melt all over again.
Just as important as Sebastian is Ciel Phantomhive played by thirteen year old Nayuta Fukuzaki. I was very happy to see an actor cast who is actually the age of Ciel and this added greatly to Fukuzaki's performance. This not only made Ciel more relatable as a character but also showed the unique relationship between Ciel and Sebastian in an interesting way. Fukuzaki was able to perfectly capture the conflicting emotions held within Ciel Phantomhive as well as portray him with great ease, making Fukuzaki the best Ciel actor thus far. Just behind the two leads is Madam Red played by Akane Liv, Madam Red is a very complicated character who require a great deal of thought and Liv's portrayal of Madam Red was true to both the manga and anime making her entire performance incredibly impressive. And last but not least, also my favorite character of Kuroshitsuji besides Sebastian, is Grell Sutcliff played by Uehara Takuya. Like Matushita, Takuya is the beyond PERFECT choice to play Grell Sutcliff. Everything about his performance is incredible, and like Matsushita, Takuya has reprised his role in all three Kurishitsuji musicals. Because of Takuya my love for Grell has multiplied tenfold.

Set, Costumes and Score:

The set for Kuroshitsuji 3: Jack the Ripper was more advanced than the sets used in previous productions. Various movable pieces, staircases and levels were utilized throughout making the production visually wonderful. I was most impressed with Sebastian and Grell's actors as they had the most movement and fight scenes on various parts of the stage. The costumes for this musical were also quite magnificent. Each characters costume was made with incredible detail and perfectly matches the outfits worn by the animated characters. As a super fan of Black Butler myself, I was thrilled to see that the director payed attention to such details. With its beautiful sets and costumes, the true star of Kuroshitsuji 3 was its musical numbers. Each was perfectly representative of the characters and were done with great vocals and choreography, with the vocal performance of Liv (Madame Red) being especially breathtaking.

Final Thoughts:
The episodes surrounding the Jack the Ripper arc in the anime were always my favorite, so to find a musical of the arc that was very well done was wonderful. My first ever Japanese musical - and it was awesome!

The entire musical is on YouTube and linked below. Unfortunately, due to its recent production within the last year, Kuroshitsuji 3: Jack the Ripper has not yet been given English Subtitles.

(Black Butler) Kuroshitsuji 3: Jack the Ripper

Have questions about the show, its actors or anything about Black Butler? Just leave a comment!

Kuroshitsuji is a nothing short of a staple - it is simply one hell of a manga, anime and now, musical.

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